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What a leader!
Lol what a puff piece, from a random website.
Maybe a good journalist would have actually explained how he did it, why this wasn’t a trivial thing to do, and the downsides. Easy to cut deficit if you just murder public services – maybe you halt rampant inflation, but you’re also fucking up education, healthcare, infrastructure, and widening inequalities.
There’s no free lunch.
Wow, that’s wild!
While generally a good thing, time will tell how sustainable that is. You can easily get out of deficit by eliminating all spendings on security or education, but both will bite your arse later on.
Its also almost impossible to keep incomes and spendings balanced as a government because you get money based on months to years ago while you spend it now or in the future. the devaluation between these timeframes is what you get less for the same amount.
I think that’s what people expect to happen when Musk and Trump will reign.
reddit haters incoming…
If I starved me and my family, I could probably save money too.
MiGo y mas MiGo….
By creating the biggest social disaster ever seen in a democratic country – great job.
Let me guess: He basically annihilated all government services, so that small earners and middle-class people, who pay the largest proportion of their income to the state, now get nothing back for their taxes, while the rich are subsidized and get richer and fatter.
Edit: Yup, I’m right with my guess. Poverty has jumped above 50% of the population, but the state is still in a recession that has actually been AMPLIFIED by his policies. He’s basically sacrificing Argentina’s long-term success for a fake short-term success. Congrats everyone who voted for him in Argentina and isn’t a millionaire: You’ve fucked yourselves.
This is old news. Budget surplus was achieved [nine months ago](https://www.eleconomista.es/economia/noticias/12995852/09/24/milei-desvela-en-una-leccion-como-acabar-con-el-deficit-ya-van-ochos-superavits-consecutivos-en-argentina.html), and has been mantained ever since.
The crazy bastard might actually save Argentina.
To the average Redditor – you don’t understand the volume of ‘Fucked’ that Argentina currently is. Their money has been worthless for decades and in general their political policy has been ‘What is the absolute WORST Fucking Decision I can make’ since World War 2. Then double down on it making it even worse. Â
He came into office saying “this is going to hurt, but its needed” and you know what, he was right.
Inflation is nearly at normal country levels for the first time in decades and there is a budget surplus for the first time in 123 years so he can now SLOWLY bring back up public services.
If fixing decades of being one of, if not THE, worst economy on earth takes a few years of pain, then dude did a good job.
People, especially redditors, might hate him short term, but long term this is going to work out very well for Argentina.
Having no deficit is not a universally good thing. A country is not a household budget lol
It is incredible what you can achieve when you don’t give a fuck to poor people. Let them die to fix the “deficit”.
I love seeing the debate between people in the EU and US telling people literally in Argentina how they should ACTUALLY feel about this lol
Good on him. I hear that he’s also gotten inflation down to 133%, from 290% in April!
If he carefully saves all that government money, he might be able to afford an egg.