Demokrat Josh Shapiro: „In Amerika töten wir keine Menschen kaltblütig, um politische Differenzen beizulegen.“ Auch Josh Shapiro: Unterzeichnung von Raketen, mit denen Menschen kaltblütig getötet werden.

Von Orangutan


  1. Strange Dichotomy. Another user pointed it out and I thought it was interesting juxtaposition. Also his state where the Secret Service failed to watch the roofs.

  2. People will say this is hypocrisy, but I think the fundamental difference is that some people have a different and unstated definition of who counts as “people”.

  3. themiddlechild94 on

    He did say, “in America,” so here we don’t do that. He never said anything about doing in other places /s.

  4. Nintendo-or-Nothing on

    Look, they have the patriot act in place for a reason. 

    The white guy who is a terrorist was always the plan. 

    But they will also use race to divide us for civil war. 

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