Schießpulver, Schweiß und die Zerstörung der Eindringlinge. Die Arbeit der Asowschen Artilleriebesatzung [+ENG] Veröffentlicht am 12. Dezember 2024.

    Von Individual_Event_285


    1. TheWiseMan2 on

      Is towed artillery still effective compared to self propelled artillery they seem to take alot time to set up and shot.

    2. “And the stuff in the house will burn. My laptop, I just installed S.T.A.L.K.E.R.[2]…”

      One of the most harrowing moments of a Ukrainian man’s life getting targeted by counter-battery and all he can think about is not being able to play Stalker and their bunker cats lmao.

    3. Traditional_Trust_93 on

      I’ve always found the sound of artillery, MLRS, MANPADS, etc firing to be quite satisfying.

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