Syrien „räumt der inneren Stabilität Priorität“ inmitten der israelischen Offensive

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  1. aWhiteWildLion on

    Obeida Arnaout, the spokesman for Hayat Tahrir al-Sham refused in a television interview to condemn Israel for “attacking over 300 sites in Syria.” When asked about this, he tried to evade it, answering in general terms and claiming that Syria now has other priorities.

    [In another interview]( answering a question about whether the HTS-led assault against Aleppo resembled the Hamas operation on 7 October, the HTS spokesman “I challenge anyone to show a single piece of evidence that we harmed a (civilian – AA). The instructions from the leadership were clear – not to harm anyone.”  

    The [spokesman also said]( “We will not allow Iran and its agents to interfere in Syrian internal affairs any longer, we will not betray our people by making an alliance with a state that spreads “fear and chaos” in Syria and massacres our people.”

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