Mexikanische Soldaten wurden mit IEDs überfallen, leider gab es zwei Opfer und sieben Soldaten wurden verletzt. Tepalcatepec, Jalisco. 20. Januar 2024

    Von Ing_Enrike


    1. TheRealWildGravy on

      Ied’s really are some of the dirtiest and most evil explosives out there, next to anti personal mines.

      Wish their families and the wounded / survivors well.

    2. Gradual_Growth on

      Looks like the roadside trees were used as indicators of when to trigger

    3. Snips_Tano on

      The most amazing thing to me is the guy who was running to catch up and then the entire group in front of him he’s with explodes…and he just walks right out of the smoke unscathed.

      He’s lucky as hell he was too slow to catch up.

    4. beyond_ones_life on

      Mexico has the capacity to deal with this in a meaningful manner without the intervention of the almighty red white and blue.

    5. Dinglehopper91 on

      If I’m not mistaken, the cartels took alot of inspiration from the terrorist groups in the Middle East. That and some even made contact with the terrorist groups to do business in weapons and opium. That’s just what I’ve heard, yet I feel justified in believing it.

    6. sixth_survivor on

      Rip r/Narcofootage . Also, the IED maker was captured and was actually an ex US military man.

    7. Which-Forever-1873 on

      Imagine if the people in Mexico fought back and regained control of their country.

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