Gedanken dazu?

Von TheExceptionPath


  1. Outrageous-Pin4156 on

    That second quote sus as hell. Think he practiced the line with Elon?

  2. thunderousboffer on

    Basically saying “I’m going to allow them to keep fucking you”

  3. gerbariantrio on

    Why do you think inflation is so insidious? You can stop the rate of the increase, but deflation is difficult and has a deliterious effect on the economy.

  4. Once you increase the money supply and Inflation sets in you can’t go back. The best we can hope for is inflation stops and wages rise. WTF happened in 1971 🤔

  5. IdidntchooseR on

    That’s why Trump’s the controlled opp. He gets a fervent fanbase with “they’re not after me, they’re after you.” But nothing he’s said/done can ever stop the biggest freight train towards “you’ll own nothing + be happy”. Outcome >> stated intentions.

  6. MockeryAndDisdain on

    He’s talking about his mushroom tip, not grocery prices. Reread it. He’s flirting with the interviewer.

  7. StruggleAlarmed7976 on

    When a dude surrounds himself with DynCorp, Microsoft, DARPA, and the CFR, you can expect business as usual for the criminal enterprise that controls this country

    Trump is controlled opposition and the above lays it out plainly

  8. YogurtNo3045 on

    He’s owned by isreal and corporations like every single politician in America.

  9. My thoughts are he lies about absolutely everything so this is no different.

  10. DiddysHandler on

    My guess is we don’t have full context of the quote and he probably goes into how he’ll try and the policies he’ll set forth. But ya know, if we make him look like he can’t do something he said he would then we win.

  11. Iam-WinstonSmith on

    He could start by getting an investigation into the burning of the 150 food processing plants.

  12. PanchoPanoch on

    You think the guy who takes credit for everyone to start using the word groceries wouldn’t lie about the price of them. I mean how much does he think a banana really costs? $10?

    Do you think he came to the realization that he couldn’t do much about the price before or after he promised to lower the price of groceries?

  13. Freeze_Peach_ on

    Republicans have the president, House, Senate, and Supreme Court.

    If thats not enough power to lower the price of groceries, improve housing costs, and improve wages for the working class then I’m scared of what type of power they need. I don’t expect massive changes but there should be noticeable improvements.

    The Trump administration’s plans could be great or terrible depending on the implementation. I’m a little worried that the plans talked about so far have been very vague but I’m keeping an open mind.

    * Illegal immigrants can be a burden in the US with healthcare and education but they are also a necessary component of our current economy taking jobs in farming that no American wants if working conditions are not improved.
    * K-College education in the US has cost problems at the public and private levels but complete privatization would remove options and increase grift. There are countless examples of private companies education programs being a total scam that puts money in the pockets of those who put the programs in place.
    * Terrifs are a useful tool when used on goods that can be made in the US but when the only option is import or nothing then costs for the consumer massively increase with no impact on American jobs. This doesn’t include how long the tariffs last, a 25% tariff that lasts for one week means nothing.

    I don’t know why the Trump administration is not sharing many details of their plans yet but they all the power that is needed to change anything they want by having control of the president, House, Senate, and Supreme Court. I hope for the best.

  14. I don’t know he always talks like that. Point out how hard and difficult it would be to do so if you do it you can be like “see what I did”! I’m so awesome!

  15. SpecialistSale4235 on

    I dunno if this quote was intended for those with their minds in the gutter

  16. Cascadian_Canadian on

    He’s gonna backpedal and reneg on all of his campaign promises, same as last time. And you’ll all be sucking his dick even harder.

  17. DueSwitch8436 on

    When are the non-wealthy Trump supporting chucklefucks gonna realize he gives less than a shit about them?

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