Experten sagen, dass Canada Post keine Chance hat, Karten und Pakete vor Weihnachten zuzustellen


  1. BlakeWheelersLeftNut on

    I don’t support this strike. I think it’s caused irreversible damage to our public services. I think the union is closing the door behind them.

  2. Prestigious-Ad-7381 on

    They think they are smart, now everyone is suffering, CA economy is terrible at the moment and the more they push, the more they fail. Zero responsibility and understanding especially during holiday season.

  3. It just shows how important Canada post is. No other company or organization can do what they do without massive cost increases.

    We need to look at Canada post as a service and not a money making company.

  4. Yyc_area_goon on

    No letters to Santa, no cards or gifts from family.  I’ll explain why to my kids. 

  5. Dry-Membership8141 on

    This is a bad situation for the union. Their leverage was in the hope that Canada Post would come to the table with concessions to avoid this outcome. Once the outcome becomes unavoidable though, the damage is done and the pressure on CP to resolve it quickly evaporates.

  6. BeatZealousideal7144 on

    Replace with robots, please. you know… those ones that meta have.

  7. DrinkMoreBrews on

    No shit, what was the first hint? We’re less than 2 weeks out from Christmas.

  8. “Good chance Canada Post can deliver junk mail and flyers before Christmas, experts say”

  9. AlexJamesCook on

    Canadians: CoL is out of control. We need higher wages…
    Union goes on strike for higher wages…”WAAAAH!!! Lazy entitled shits. Send them back to work”.

  10. Will_Debate_You on

    And? I’d rather get a Christmas card late if it means mail deliverers are paid a living wage.

  11. Narrow-Sky-5377 on

    Remember kids they had no intention of ruining people’s Christmas. The strike timing is mealy a coincidence. A coincidence, ya, that’s the ticket!/s Stay out.

  12. All around shit show.

    The union has to accept enormous layoffs over the next few years.
    It has to.

    And on the other side they have to pay a lot better.

    In the meantime the rest of us are getting fucked

  13. This will always be remembered as the Christmas that Canada Post and CUPW ruined for many many canadian families.

  14. Fluffy-Jesus on

    Canada post has a 91% stake in Puralator, run by the same 2 guys, it’s about time we start letting competition deliver the mail too and do away with the current administration. See how fast Canada Post 180s from this bullshit.

  15. I guess that means there’s no letters from Santa for kids this year

  16. StoonerSask on

    It is much nicer to call someone and wish them happiness. A letter is impersonal.

  17. KoolerMike on

    It’s not to bad when you have other services but as someone who lives rural but only 5minutes from a post office, only purolator and UPS come to my address, all others are 40 minutes away at drop off locations(normally no matter who you use they would deliver to post office). Too bad those never come up as an option to use as shipping!! Yeah you can argue Canada post junk mail blah blah blah but how are so many apparently fine with no post office?

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