Sie bereiten sich auf 47 vor: Hunderte Fläschchen mit tödlichen Viren sind aus einem Labor in Australien verschwunden … und Wissenschaftler warnen, sie könnten „zu Waffen“ werden

Von Orangutan


  1. Is that what that dude Hotez was warning about on TV the other week? This time from Australia.

  2. FFS_IsThisNameTaken2 on

    Is this the one from 2021 where a freezer broke, or is it a new one. I’ll check out the article, but the one from 2021 was posted about recently.

    Edit: yep. Delayed fear porn?

    >The samples went missing in 2021 but investigators only confirmed the breach in August 2023.

    >It is believed that the vials of deadly viruses were lost by Queensland’s Public Health Virology Laboratory when the freezer they were being stored in broke down.

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