Die NATO „ist nicht bereit für das, was kommt“, während „Russland sich auf einen Konflikt vorbereitet“



  1. Lost-Succotash-9409 on

    At this rate, russia will reach Warsaw at some point in 3951

  2. OverlyComplexPants on

    Unless they’re planning to use nukes, I can’t see how they’re a credible military threat to anyone. They can’t even take over Ukraine and they’ve been trying for years now. It’s a stalemate.

  3. banacct421 on

    Then I suggest you start learning Russian. You elected to play games when they invaded Ukraine, now you’re next. Everyone told you this and yet you kept playing games. Your choices lead to consequences and choices were definitely made. Udachi (Google tells me that means good luck in Russian)

  4. Marsupialize on

    Russia has been bogged down for years and lost nearly a million men trying to hold onto a small slice of a neighbor the size of Nebraska.

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