Europol berichtete, dass die Terrororganisation PKK Verbrechen wie Drogen- und Menschenhandel in Europa finanziert.

Von Qwr631

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  1. >The main activities carried out by PKK members and cells in the EU continued to be fundraising, recruitment of new members and fighters, training and propaganda.

    >Recruitment focused both on attracting new members for the EU cells and recruiting fighters for the conflict zones. In some cases, there were indications of members of the group abducting individuals and enlisting them as fighters against their will.

    >Most of the funds raised for the PKK are believed to originate from apparently legitimate activities (donations, events, membership fees, sales of goods and media products etc.), as well as from criminal activities such as extortion, fraud, racketeering, Money laundering or drug trafficking. The PKK carried out its regular annual fundraising campaign ‘kampanya’, raising millions of Euros across Europe. The funds are used to maintain the organisation or for other activities including propaganda, recruiting fighters and organising their travels to the conflict zones. Sources of funds to the PKK are believed to originate from criminal activities in or affecting the Members States, such as Money laundering, drug trafficking or migrant smuggling, in order to finance its activities.

    >~~PPK’s~~ [PKK’s] propaganda continued to focus on the goal of a free, autonomous Kurdistan under the leadership of the PKK, serving both recruitment and fundraising purposes. It targets young individuals with a Kurdish background in particular, and continues to be disseminated through activists and journalists, websites, television, social media or the printed press. Some of the media outlets used by the PKK to disseminate its propaganda are based in the EU.

    [European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend report 2024 (EU TE-SAT)](

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