Nachdem ich diesen Rückschlag aus erster Hand erlitten habe, weil ich ohne besonderen Grund in Eile war, möchte ich einigen von Ihnen helfen, die von dieser Information profitieren könnten. Ich bin mit 35 Jahren Schweizer geworden und musste für 2023 eine „Militärbefreiungssteuer“ zahlen, die ich auch für 2024 zahlen werde. Das sind 3 % Ihres steuerpflichtigen Einkommens. Kein Wenn und Aber. Du wirst einfach als untauglich eingestuft und bezahlst deshalb das Geld, Schatz.
Sofern Sie keinen zwingenderen Grund haben, können Sie mit Ihrer C-Permit bis zu Ihrem 37. Lebensjahr zufrieden sein.
Lesen Sie hier ausführlicher:
Eingebürgerte Schweizer müssen eine „Armeesteuer“ zahlen, wenn sie den Militärdienst schwänzen
Male foreigners wanting to become Swiss before 37 and after 30
byu/Akewimusic inSwitzerland
Von Akewimusic
But you could have chosen to do service instead right?
Well, it sucks paying the military tax as much as it sucks to go to the army but that’s part of the package. We are a country where in addition to rights you have also duties…
So if I’m in my twenties wat do I have to do instead?
A small price to pay for Swiss nationality. A bargain, really.
Besides, you could’ve opted for military service instead, so your complaint rings rather hollow.
And finally, all of this is well known by now, it’s been all over the news, so I don’t think your post is very helpful at this point.
Good choice from the federal court 👍
Just do RS. Compared to real militaries it’s a few weeks in Pfadfinderei
Oh no, paying twice 3% of your salary? You poor little thing. Come here, you can have one of my fucks that i keep for such cases.
But seriously, you think being swiss has only benefits? There are downsides that come with it but compared to other countries it’s just a bit of money from which you earn enough here.
LifeProTip: Don’t have income.
You can change you Identity to female, then you don’t have to pay 😂
not much?
I thought they changed that so you have to pay the tax for your past years living here because so many foreigners played the system by waiting with getting citizenship.
But why 37? For instance I will be 35 when I reach my 10th year in Switzerland, so I should be in the clear even if the naturalization process were fast. Given it takes a couple of years, I assume it should not be a problem.
I would happily pay the tax (or serve). I want all the rights and all the duties.
It is one package…. You are supposed to contribute to this country so where is the issue