Woosung (ehemals SNUPER) hat seinen Namen in Choi Seonghyeok geändert + hat einen Twitter-Account eröffnet

1 Comment

  1. CherryBlossomEnding on

    Also Seonghyeok and SUPERNOVA Kwangsoo have been cast in the Japanese stage play “Saihate Restaurant”.

    >Former SNUPER member Woosung will resume his activities in Japan after completing his military service and changing his stage name to “Seonghyeok”. The first step in his comeback will be a new start as an actor. During his time as SNUPER, Seonghyeok captivated fans with his music and performances, but from now on he is eager to take on new challenges as an actor.

    • [Article ](https://asian-hana2023.com/diary/139281)

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