Ich war vor ein paar Tagen in Roros und habe diesen Kuchen an einem der Stände auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gegessen. Es war wirklich gut, saftig, ich denke, es könnte Joghurt oder Olivenöl darin sein. Das ist ein langer Weg, aber vielleicht erkennt jemand, was das ist (wenn es sich um einen bestimmten Weihnachtskuchen handelt, der in Norwegen gegessen wird) und könnte mir ein Rezept nennen? Danke 🎄
Von Awkward_Ad8008
Vanilla cake
Might be carrot cake(gulerotkake) or spice cake (krydderkake). I bet someone will know 🙂
Krydderkake it is.
Looks kind of like krydderkake
Looks and sounds like Krydderkake! It can be *really* good actually, I made one for sale at high school, and it was the biggest success of all. It makes you full really easily and yet people came back once or twice to get more😂 I was honestly concerned for the dude who ate 6 big slices
Which recipe was it though?? No idea sadly. I love sharing good recipes but I have no idea if I got it online or from my mom’s cookbook
That there be a Skoffekake
Did it have any spices or flavors you recognized? You mention yogurt, so I’m guessing it might’ve been slightly acidic. If so, my guess would be some kind of [rømmekake](https://www.detsoteliv.no/oppskrift/rommekake) or [kefirkake](https://www.melk.no/Oppskrifter/Kaker/Formkaker/Saftig-kefirkake-med-sitron).
What did it taste like?
Krydderkake pr def
Folks are saying krydderkake, but that usually is darker & has some pretty strong tastes.
I’m going with rømmekake.
Put together a polite email (not “I want recipe. **NOW**.”) and work your way through the list of people that had stalls there? A bit on the weird side, but it is a 50/50 chance you’ll make someones day if you are hunting for their baked goods like that.