Syrischer Bürgerkrieg bricht erneut aus: Karte der Kontrolle inmitten des Vormarschs der Rebellen (6. Dezember 2024)

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  1. This is a kind of relaunch of PolGeoNow’s Syria control map series, one of our two oldest territorial control mapping projects (alongside Yemen), which I started way back in 2012. These days PolGeoNow researcher Djordje Djukic is in charge of most of the research and map updates, while I edit them.

    As everyone here must know by now, Assad has fallen and Damascus is under rebel control. But it’s been hard to say (maybe even to define) who’s in control of a lot of the parts of the country that were still under government control up until that time, so first we’re putting out this map of battle lines just before the final collapse.

    This map and report can be accessed completely for free. Subsequent updates (hopefully coming within days) will be behind our paywall, but if anyone here wants access and can’t pay, please get in touch. We rely on subscribers to fund our work, but the goal isn’t to shut anyone out.

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