16 % der Todesfälle in Armenien werden durch Luftverschmutzung verursacht. Autos spielen eine größere Rolle bei der Luftverschmutzung als Fabriken, Kraftwerke, Industrieemissionen, Brände und fossile Brennstoffe für Heizung/Strom zusammen. Eine CDIA-Studie aus dem Jahr 2021 ergab, dass 90 % der Luftverschmutzung Armeniens auf Autos zurückzuführen ist.
Struggling to Breathe: Public Transportation and the Air Pollution Crisis
Von Patriot927
Wish we could actually do something about this, we just kill ourselves.
The solution has to be 2 fold then. Increased pollution regulation like mandated smog checks every 2 years. No more selling your catalytic converter. That would get rid of a ton of old Soviet era cars as well. The second is no import tax on electric cars. If China is selling electric cars for pennies, Armenia should be buying.
You would need to reasonably increase energy production/infrastructure. Also, with so many people losing their cars due to not meeting pollution requirements, you would need to make public transport better also.
What happens when car catalyzers are removed illegally and sold, every car that is imported should be inspected for a catalyzer, if they don’t have one the importer/seller should be fined
Lets see how they steal them once they cant make a profit off cars with no catalyzers
Every time I am in Europe I realise how shitty the air is in Armenia.
Well… it should be illegal to remove the catalysator… wait…. okay, it should be checked every 2 years.
Is there simething like [TÜV ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_inspection)in armenia?
Is it illegal to not have a catalytic converter in Armenia?
I know they were proposing a law but I don’t know if it went through or not
66% of citizens are against such a law, smh
This and accidents are major problems killing the population and both caused by cars. Armenia needs much better public transport, and more restrictions on cars. If you’ve ever been to Georgia, you can see how much Armenia is so far behind.
We should make kentron in to a green zone, no cars allowed. Only bus & light railways (I know it is not realistic because cars are neeed but it could work in theory & only cars that can be driven there needs to have a pass, like for handicap parking but instead it is for people driving in the city). It is not like yerevans kentron is big & it is a big circle, so easy to get from A to B. Bigger problem will be around yerevan but only way to change peoples mind reg not driving their cars is by making public transportation cheaper/faster. In Sweden many people take the bus and train because it takes the same time to go to the destination and it is cheaper
I think I told it once. Had a tenant who is the CEO of a huge rare metal recycling company. Armenia is one of the countries he visits personally for networking because of the huge supply of catalysts. And we all know how this happens.
Personally I think everybody in Yerevan needs to have their drivers license taken away from them and have to retake a proper driving test. That alone will probably reduce the traffic by half.
It’s a good thing everyone smokes a pack a day too!
Article: 16% of stroke/IHD deaths in Armenia are causes by pollution.
Title: 16% oF dEaThS iN ArMeNiaa aRe cAuSEd bY poLLuTiOn
Quite misleading.