Ich bin gerade in eine neue Wohnung gezogen und fast alle Zimmer haben Koax-Steckdosen. Ich habe einen MoCa-Adapter gekauft, um die Kabelverbindung zu nutzen, aber das Problem ist, dass nicht alle mitgelieferten Kabel in die Buchsen passen (siehe Bilder).
Ich denke, ich brauche vielleicht einen anderen Kopftyp, habe aber Angst, dass er nicht in den MoCa-Adapter GoCoax (im Lieferumfang enthalten) passt.
Von TranquilGuy27
Photo 1: broken connector left in top position, remove with pliers. This port is what actually is meant for internet (mini RF). Remove with pliers.
Photo 3 should mate to the hole in photo 5 on the left. Adjust the center pin delicately with pliers if necessary.
Your gear has F-connectors (for once a superior North American standard) and the walls have what I call “RF plugs” for simplicity. The adapter you bought is correct- no idea why you’re having trouble.
These 3-up sockets have a RF-M, RF-F, and mini-RF-F. Traditionally (no godly idea why) TV uses the M, radio the F, and mini for internet.
They are all bonded together so it doesn’t matter what you use.
Can you open the wallplate in question and get a part number from the backside of the socket? Aside from the connectors not fitting, there may be an issue with the wallplate being a triplexer, limiting the frequencies available via the available coax ports.
You need a coax port aupporting 1125-1675 MHz.
Separately, have you looked into how the in-wall coax lines interconnect, through what components, and to what outside signal sources they may connect?