Die Regierung Aserbaidschans lügt, wenn sie von einer Bevölkerung von 10 Millionen ausgeht, reale Schätzungen gehen von etwa 7 Millionen aus https://eurasianet.org/azerbaijan-celebrates-10-millionth-citizen Von AshurismTruth
No-Photograph-8259 on 08.12.2024 11:50 PM no offense, i’m from mumbai and the population of my city itself is 20 million 😭😭😭😭😭
spetcnaz on 09.12.2024 12:50 AM Azerbaijan lying?! No way. Yes this has been the suspicion for a while. No matter though, this should not change how we move forward.
MedicalTown8317 on 09.12.2024 1:37 AM So it means that do still have higher GDP per capita than Armenia lol)
What a surprise
That’s still way too much
But why tho?
this is not news
no offense, i’m from mumbai and the population of my city itself is 20 million 😭😭😭😭😭
Well armenia might overestimate its population too
Source is fucking eurasia 🤡
Azerbaijan lying?! No way.
Yes this has been the suspicion for a while.
No matter though, this should not change how we move forward.
So it means that do still have higher GDP per capita than Armenia lol)