1. leftplayer on

    I just wonder who thought it’s a good idea to open an extremely long and narrow inlet right between tall blocks of apartments on each side blocking any wind. The area near the PL club is going to stink like a swamp and be a mosquito breeding haven…

  2. BrzydkiBurak on

    > Who would want to live by a motorway?

    not in country full of subhumans driving with loud pipes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  3. Aljavolja jien inħobb il-karrozzi, għanda bżonn xi mod ieħor ta trasport, forsi xi metro taħt l-art. Il kultura tagħna qisa tal-Istati Uniti, id-differenza hija li aħna wieħed mil-izgħar pajjiżi u huma għandom l-aħjar ekonomija u balla spazju.

  4. ?? they’re living next to the road anyway, what difference will it make? the area is absurdly loud already.

  5. FitNotQuit on

    Why dont they just put trees instead of the inlet? It`s a really easy win.

    Probably they needed the project to cost a certain amount for their friends.

  6. No-Trainer-197 on

    This area has become unlivable now. I moved to Malta more than 2 years ago and I still remember how they were constructing the current Msida square. Why the hell would you destroy it after 1 year and a half? This is beyond my understanding.

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