Also, wie es heißt: Bin ich im Delirium oder hatte ich Recht, genervt zu sein?
Ich fuhr nach Hause und wäre in einem Kreisverkehr beinahe mit diesem anderen Auto zusammengestoßen, hauptsächlich weil er mir meiner Meinung nach im Kreisverkehr Platz hätte lassen sollen.
Zum Vergleich: Die Straße, die in den Kreisverkehr mündet, verfügt über zwei Fahrspuren, eine für diejenigen, die nach links oder die dritte Ausfahrt abfahren, die andere für diejenigen, die nach rechts abfahren/1. Ausfahrt und geradeaus/2. Ausfahrt.
Ich fuhr nach links, der Mann vor mir fuhr geradeaus, es hätte für uns beide Platz geben müssen, unsere Manöver ungehindert im Kreisverkehr durchzuführen, wenn er seiner Fahrspur gefolgt wäre und sich an den äußeren Kreis gehalten hätte, anstatt sich in meine Fahrspur zu fressen was dazu führte, dass ich abrupt bremste.
Als Referenz ist ein Video beigefügt. Ich wollte die Registrierungsnummer unkenntlich machen, habe aber gerade eine Bildschirmaufnahme auf meinem Handy gemacht und hatte keine Lust, das Video vollständig zu bearbeiten.
Vorfall etwa bei der 28-30-Sekunden-Marke.
War ich also ein Wahnsinn, weil ich mich darüber aufregte, oder habe ich recht, wenn ich verärgert bin?
Von jaeger313
Technically right to be annoyed just try not to. This happens all the time. People in general cannot be trusted with advanced things like roundabouts, merge lanes, etc.
Nah you’re right the car cut you off. But have had that happen so many times that I just expect it in a situation like this
one thing i will comment on is that you should adjust your headlight that guy is probebly blind due to your evangalism with the lights
but yeah it looks like a dual lane roundabout but i am of the opinion that one should always drive staggerd through it just in case. and not try to overtake wile in the inner corner just in case this happens.
Yeah the van was sloppy about keeping in his lane. OTOH there were no lane markings inside the roundabout. And sad as it may be, you should expect people to be careless while driving.
Some people cut the roundabouts, some don’t, and then they get annoyed at each other.
Funny story: In Norway the norm is to not cut them but to do the whole curve in the rightmost lane when you’re going straight ahead. Like you expected the van to do. I tried doing exactly that in a rented car in Portugal, and got honked at by the locals until I gave up and started cutting. Norms and expectations vary from place to place, and sometimes it seems even from hour to hour.
The trick is to assume that everyone else is a maniac, and drive defensively. Especially in places where people have ample opportunity to make bad choices, like roundabouts.
You are technically correct, as the other driver was incorrectly placed in the round-about by coming into your lane.
However, cutting through round-abouts happen all the time, so it might be wise to play it safely and not assume the other car will drive correctly in this instance. Take a more passive approach and avoid collision.
Don’t trust people to not follow the rules. I always stagger myself because, well… people are dumb.
Not delulu, I lay on the horn when people do this.
Yes, I’m horny, fite me.
Langebrukrysset i Hokksund detta her ja, kjente igjen etter to sekunder ahahaha
Not delulu, I lay on the horn when people do this.
Yes, I’m horny, fite me.
It is work vehicles like this white van that will drive straight through a roundabout rather than follow the lanes or other rules. They’re maybe so used to the route they forget others may be on the road.
Source: commuting as a cyclist and seeing quite a bit of this
Are those green plates or blue?
oh i’d honk at it for hourss to no end