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    Ich habe diese Diskriminierung persönlich erlebt. Vor langer Zeit habe ich beschlossen, diese Theorie zu testen, indem ich mich sowohl mit meinem richtigen Namen als auch mit einem norwegisch klingenden Namen beworben habe. Ratet mal, wer fast jedes Vorstellungsgespräch erhielt und wer nicht einmal eine Einladung bekam? Lesen Sie hier: Norwegen/2432530

    Discrimination in Norway
    byu/hadh_haram inNorway

    Von hadh_haram


    1. Prepare to be…. DOWNVOTED!!

      Many here talking about their personal experience ( including me) have been attacked each time menntioning this

    2. Who in the world says we’re a nation with no discrimination? They are lying. It isnt just on ethnicity, it’s also on disability and gender. Maybe someone misunderstood, because there is discimination all over, not just foreign people.

    3. _____michel_____ on

      I think most people know this by now. It’s just a myth that there’s not a lot of racism in Norway. And I think it’s getting worse. We’re moving, ideologically, towards the right. It seems to me like there’s more visible and explicit hate towards immigrants than there used to be.

    4. anysmilersinchat on

      “This is really sad and disappointing to witness from a nation that claims there is no discrimination based on color, ethnicity, or other factors—and yet, such incidents still occur.”

      No place is perfect. You expect northern europe to be some kind of Utopia where everything is flawless and nothing is wrong? It’s almost like Scandinavia has had this history for hundreds, if not thousands of years yet people like you show up like it’s some surprise.

    5. OkBudget9177 on

      Pretty sure our home countries are better. Surprise! they are not.


      Of course, two wrongs don’t make a right. BUT, you gotta pick and chose. you have a. life here. stip complaining. It’s still better than your home country

      Do valuable things. stop crying

    6. FaithlessnessNext336 on

      Bias is a thing, Discrimination exists, purely due to race as in racism less so. Ignorance exists. Lack of critical thinking is a thing. Poor education is also a thing. Your poorly written rationale that people claim there is no such thing in Norway is laughable. You apply a strawman argument with data point being “your non accountable colleagues”…

      If you want to benefit from your background go to where you came from.

      You already benefit from being a man. Appreciate the positive bias you’ll earn from.

      This isn’t a utopia this is a world with its many nuances and facets. Want to make things better? Be better.

    7. t_go_rust_flutter on

      I think you have misunderstood what discrimination is. If you are talking about what is and is not in Norway, you are talking about what the government ment does and does not do.

      There is not a single country, or even medium sized group of people where there is nobody who is skeptical to people of other nations or the other gender even. People are people, but there are very few countries in the world where there is less discrimination than in Norway.

    8. Emotional_Money3435 on

      They are discriminating the norwegian country, expect some the other way aswell.

    9. Naughtyboy608 on

      Of course. Like other people say here, everyone get a taste of discrimination. Even I as a white man born in Norway see women and people with minority background gets invited to interviews and I don’t even if we got the same bachelour and experience.

      I get it that it sucks if you got a name we barely can pronounce, that might work against you.

      When it comes to racism, a lot of minorities has done this to themself. Committing crime and not learning the language even though they’ve lived here for 5+ years are just disrespect towards the country and it’s people. This shit wouldn’t fly if I moved to the middle-east.

    10. anamariapapagalla on

      All countries have discrimination. When it comes to hiring practices, most people will prefer someone who resembles themselves and/or the person who had that job before/the other people working there. Anyone different is something unknown and will feel “riskier” or somehow “wrong”. That’s just how human brains work, and you need to actively work to avoid that to change it (if you apply for a stat/kommune job there are rules to avoid the problem). Actual racism/ableism/sexism comes on top of that (and the stereotyping of probably-muslim people as potentially difficult in the workplace, due to some recent events and some very loud people who refuse to accept the culture they’ve chosen to live in)

    11. ContentSheepherder33 on

      You’ve lived here for many years and still don’t know the language. That’s exactly why discrimination exists.

    12. There is discrimination here like everywhere lmao, it’s the way of the world esp in times of ridiculous mass immigration.

    13. LiMe-Thread on

      You cannot go away from your home and expect to be treated the same elsewhere… you probably gain a lot by moving away from home (probably the very reason you moved anyways) so be prepared to lose some.

      If you dont like it, one can always move back 🙂

      I on the otherhand, will be tryna move to Norway asap because the pros outweigh the cons for me 😄 🤣

    14. oldskool_rave_tunes on

      You have made a big deal out of having a foreign sounding name, it is common sense that many employers are not willing to risk someone who may not speak very good Nosk, uneducated with products aimed at locals, cause taxation and employment issues, not be able to get to site of work (car) etc.

      I have ran a small company and after dealing with very fussy clients and all the other things that are a major headache such as tax, materials, logistics. I may not want to use any more of my valuable time taking a risk on a ‘foreigner’. You see, we already have enough stress and, minor discrimination can help you sort out potential workers easier, not saying that is ok or I ever did it, but giving you other reasons why companies may go for the tried and tested easy option.

    15. Lmao norwegians in this thread trying to justify “it’s bias bro, racism is everywhere bro, etc”.

    16. Aggravating_Cup8839 on

      It’s not really racist or ill intended, if the person doing the selection feels that immigrants are taking jobs away from the locals. They’re not saying immigrants are less intelligent, just that it would be nice if the locals were not forced to leave their town, because the jobs were given to immigrants, only for bosses to make a profit off of those who accepted a lesser salary.

      It’s impossible for a person from the UK to compete with a Vietnamese who accepts the smalles amount of money. As a citizen, you shouldn’t feel less privileged than the newcomer.

      Many immigrants have gotten citizenship already. But it wasn’t a wise decision from the politicians to put pressure on the local population like this to begin with.

    17. Comfortable_Two4650 on

      This comes as no surprise.

      We are importing people from MENA, pretending to like them, discriminating against them (they also dislike us). Creating a bunch of second class citizens .

      It’s all good until the money runs out.

      Give it 100 years and Europe will probably treat them like the Jews.

    18. Relative_Sandwich859 on

      I don’t understand why people decide to move to a country where they are visibly minority then complain about it.
      Easy solution, go back to your country and your won’t be discriminated.

    19. Pineapplefree on

      People in this thread seem to be missing a point, not everyone is from MENA or even a foreign country, a lot of people are literally born in Scandinavia, and even have a Scandinavian parent, or both parents are European.

      What are these people supposed to do? “return to their own country”?

    20. Appropriate-Safety17 on

      It’s sad and disappointing what the study found. But this findings aren’t new. For as long as I lived here this has been an issue.

      Companies claiming there’s no discrimination against whatever is pure marketing. Same goes for sustainability and even for the products / services they sell/offer. But nothing will change if they decide or not to fake brag about it.

      As I see it, Norway and almost every country, will pass as non-discriminatory (in the job market at least) as long as they can’t find people to work or that they find that hiring people from abroad is a much better deal. But Norway has a fairly small job market, so unless a new boom in the economy appears you can’t expect this to change so rapidly.

    21. Bruichladdie on

      “…a nation that claims there is no discrimination based on color, ethnicity, or other factors…”

      I’ve never seen anyone make that claim, be it in small towns or in the bigger cities. Whoever said those things are frightfully ignorant, but saying that’s the view of “a nation” is equally ignorant. There’s discrimination in Norway much like in any country, but things are steadily improving as older generations die out and new ones with healthier views appear.

      The issue with names on job applications is sadly one that doesn’t seem to go away, though, and I don’t know what can be done to change things for the better.

    22. Kongen_av_Riket on

      Man, the west is the most diverse and tolerant place in the world. And we still get shit for being not enough.

    23. LeifurTreur on

      I do not dispute the fact, but I don’t believe that most of the cases are based on racism in the way many people think.

      I work in a position where I hire people from time to time. Amongst many criteria, good Norwegian language skill is prefered. I don’t want to do more interviews than necessary. I want the hiring prosess to be done asap, so I can focus my time on other more time consuming aspects of my job.

      To send in the application throug “official” site, you have to go throug a survey. Many people will automaticly be filtered out and I wont get those applications. Many of those who are filtered out, is because they have very little norwegian language skill.

      When I go through the ones I get, that passed the survey, I will obv first of all look at all of them, and their applications and all info, no matter who they are or where they are from. I want to be done within 3-4 interviews if possible, so, sadly for many people, I will prefer Norwegian names and people with norwegian as their main language. As long as there are enough applicants with those criteria of course. All because I don’t want to waste time on interviews with people who don’t speak Norwegian well enough. This preference is obviously not more important than skill. If your CV is good, then I will hire you even if your language is not the best.

      I don’t believe that this is only reason for the high discrimination statistic, but I believe that it is a significant contributing factor.

    24. Dude. What kind of idiot told you there’s no discrimination here?

    25. I am Sami and Native American with a traditional Native American name so I hate to break it to you but it’s the same in Sweden & Finland, I came to this realization in grade school when my classmates and I applied for a summer job together hoping that all of us could work together and have fun while working. My friends with Swedish names got the job but I didn’t and this is in grade school, I was applying for all summer jobs there was just to make a little extra money but nobody gave me a summer job so instead I went north helped my uncle with our reindeer and picked berries which I sold.

      After secondary school I wanted to work and experience life, my old Swedish classmates got jobs right after school but I didn’t. I applied for so many jobs and didn’t even get a job interview, I was long-term unemployed so the employment agency suggested I legally change my name but I said my people fought for centuries in North America to be able to use traditional names despite the entire system being rigged against us where our cultures were supposed to be eradicated.

      2 years pass and I still didn’t get a job so I started selling cannabis and hashish, that was my only option at that point and everyone here who bitch about not trying hard enough, try applying for work with a non-European name. With the rising organized crime in Sweden recruiting youth and young adults even spreading to Norway and Finland all white Norwegians have a responsibility and that is to give people a chance, otherwise you feel alienated by society which brings mental health issues or it pushes individuals to commit crime just to survive.

      My first job was at a restaurant, the employer didn’t want to hire me but he got tax cuts and such so my job was subsidized by the employment agency for long-term unemployed so the state paid 75% of my salary and the employer paid 25% of my salary for a year and when the year had passed the employment agency thought that I will get hired by the restaurant owner but on the day when the employment agency stopped subsidizing my salary I got fired from the restaurant, the employment agency were disappointed at the restauranteur but according to the system I was no longer long-term unemployed so I had to start from bottom again and once again I started selling cannabis, hashish, mdma, lsd and magic mushrooms.

      I was very depressed during this time when meeting old classmates who never had to deal with this and they all said I need to try harder, they had bought their own apartment by this point, some had got married, others made so much money they migrated and I hadn’t even got a chance to get work. I moved north to my family and worked with reindeer for a long time until I decided to learn programming on my own and I wrote a script that pumped out 2000 applications per day. I got a job as a techie where I could use my name, I learned a lot from become bestie with the IT architect who taught me everything, today I work with IT infrastructure and I can work from anywhere as long as I have a computer and internet connection. I recently applied to university to become an AI developer. I’ve promised myself I want to put white Swedes out of work with my job and that’s what I’m going to do just to fuck all those who said no to me I am going to develop AI that can replace them and making me irreplaceable because I am their developer

      Stay strong, there are companies that hire you for who you are you need to be patient

    26. Bro if a nation claims they have no discrimination expect discrimination.

    27. As a foreign living in the Norway 2 years havent seen\heard something like that. Just do your job good and learn the language then you will never encounter any discrimination.

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