Hat jemand diese Website schon einmal genutzt? Alle Lebensmittel werden ungekühlt verschickt und die Lieferung nach Großbritannien kann eine Woche dauern. Ist dieses Produkt auch außerhalb des Kühlschranks eine Woche lang haltbar? Sobald es hier ist, weiß ich, dass ich es zuerst einweichen muss, aber wie kann ich es danach am besten kochen?


    Von geepen11


    1. Bananaquitz on

      Just received an order from ScandiKitchen and that was great. But I see they have sold out. However, Pinnekjøtt keeps well a long time so you don’t need to worry about how long it takes. Most people in Norway just store it in their cellar or a cold room.

      For cooking make sure you soak it for over 24 hours. It then needs to cook for ~3 hours in a big pot, without touching the bottom. Keep the bottom with some water to keep a steam going. Enjoy it, it will make your house smell delicious. There’s plenty of recipes on how to cook it if you search in Norwegian. If this isn’t your primary language, just translate.

    2. Its not in a fridge at the store. I guess most people put in the fridge when they come home, but it will be fine.

    3. MistressLyda on

      No issue sending it unrefrigerated, but is it legal to import meat like that? I seem to recall that if you travel with plane, meat and so on was supposed to be dumped before leaving to UK.

      Not sure about this at all, ages since I was out and about, but check it up.

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