Universitäten antworten zum Thema Fremdsprachen: Sollen wir vorankommen oder Geiseln von Interessen sein?


    Von Panikos0


    1. All the unions should look at what language all the papers that make ucy and tepak so highly ranked are written in. 

      Limiting public unis to Greek is the dumbest idea ever. You can do dual language stuff easily. Hell, the books in most courses are gonna be English anyway. 

      Just fkn do it. Talk about crippling the tertiary education system. 

    2. CyGoingPro on

      Lol I graduated from UCY and all my courses were delivered in English. Nobody ever questioned the department about that. And this was almost 20 years ago.

    3. Fuzzy_Stuff_9846 on

      Οπόθεν και να το πιάσεις ήμαστε πρωταθλητές στη βλακεία. Για ακόμη μια φορα το επιβεβαιώνουμε

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