Eine Luftalarmsirene im Urlaub machte mir bewusst, wie nah wir am Dritten Weltkrieg sind
An air raid siren on holiday made me realise how close we are to World War Three
Eine Luftalarmsirene im Urlaub machte mir bewusst, wie nah wir am Dritten Weltkrieg sind
An air raid siren on holiday made me realise how close we are to World War Three
If there’s one sound you don’t want to hear on holiday, it’s an air raid siren…
Alarms were sounded across Lithuania last month – thankfully it turned out to be a drill, but it showed me how people are preparing for a Russian attack.
I also received an emergency alert on my phone linking me to advice about what to do if an evacuation is suddenly ordered – chillingly it included advice to pack photos of loved ones, in case they are needed to help find relatives.
In Estonia, one person told me how their family are planning to emigrate because they are so scared about a potential Russian invasion – while another told me that older people who don’t want to leave are buying guns in case they have to defend themselves.
Here’s my article on the world feeling increasingly like 1939, especially among Nato allies in the Baltics.
The hysteria generated with articles making such claims on tenuous premises is not helpful at all.
At this point is it even worth siding with Europe. They won’t come to your rescue just like Ukraine. “Aid” and “Supplies” and mounts of dead. Russian suzerain looks less painful