„Im Ernst, Herr Kedar? Die Blaue Moschee in Eriwan wurde unter persischer Herrschaft im typisch persischen Stil erbaut. Bedeutet die Bezeichnung eines römischen Aquädukts als römisch „Unterstützung“ für den Kolonialismus?“ – Französischer Botschafter in Armenien
Von pride_of_artaxias
This was in response to an [opinion piece ](https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-832047#832047) published in Jerusalem Post and written by https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordechai_Kedar that claims that the Blue Mosque was built by Azerbaijanis and the Ambassador calling it Persian is thereby supporting “Persian colonialism in the region”.
Kil Dim must have a ton of material to make new videos by now…
I mean it’s wrong to call it Persian when in fact it was built under the Iranian empire not the Persian one
The people using it at the time were Turkic Iranians or those would become Azeris so in effect built by Iranians which includes Azeris for Azeris or Azeris for Azeris lol in Iranian style cause ergo Iran
My comment here may be controversial and I also don’t want to act like I’m smarter than the French ambassador (I really like his work actually), but the history and context of that mosque is too complex to claim it’s either 100% Persian or 100% Azerbaijani.
It’s a Shia mosque that was built by the Turkic Erivan Khanate ruler Hoseyn Ali Khan (Qajar tribe), the main visitors of that mosque were Shia Turkic tribes/nomads, they were also the big majority in Yerevan at that time since that piece of shit Shah Abbas mass deported almost all the Armenians to Iran and resettled all our territories with Turkic tribes, Kurds and Persians. This Erivan Khanate was de jure under control of Afsharid Iran, the Afsharid elite were funnily enough also Shia Turkic.
What I don’t really know or understand is, who are the descendants of these all these Turkic groups Afsharids, Qajars,… The Iranian Azerbaijanis or the Republic Azerbaijanis?
If it’s Azeri then by his logic it demonstrates Azeri colonialism in Armenia. Cuz what is Mongol culture doing in Yerevan? Huh?
Problem solved.