Trump ernennt den milliardenschweren Privatastronauten Jared Isaacman zum nächsten NASA-Administrator


  1. Texas_sucks15 on

    lol more billionaires who think they know everything. USA is on a fast track to hell.

  2. Fly_Rodder on

    I am not a billionaire, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once or twice. I should be the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

  3. blingmaster009 on

    All in preparation of privatizing most of the govt including NASA. Putin and his oligarchs are the model.

  4. FeedbackLoopy on

    The USA is going to be going through peak crony capitalism. Have fun falling even further behind, 90%.

  5. The framing of this is so tone deaf. If you look online the ENTIRE space community is cheering this on. This is 100% a A+ dude to fill this spot.

  6. If I had a nickel for every time someone who made their fortune via 1990s payment processing then became influential in the US space program…

  7. Letting billionaires, cronies and unqualified people run your country is a bad idea. They’ll make decisions based on their own agenda, which is primarily big business and money, leaving the 99% in the wake. America is speed running their eventual collapse here.

  8. B12Washingbeard on

    Funny how draining the swamp means filling every position with billionaires and sycophants 

  9. Beautiful-Chest7397 on

    I assume this will mean colonizing mars or extracting min resources will be NASAs mission now

  10. GeekFurious on

    People already crapping on this choice without realizing this guy is pretty much the biggest NASA fanboy. He will do everything to make sure NASA survives this administration.

  11. CharmingMistake3416 on

    Does every billionaire in the US get a government position now?

  12. MrBigTomato on

    I remember when George W. Bush was criticized for cronyism. Trump is gonna out-crony him.

    “Nobody rewards cronies better than I do. I’m the best at cronies. Many people, many smart people say I’m the best at cronies. They say, sir, how can you be so good at cronies? They ask me all the time.”

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