[OC] Die 50 Länder mit der höchsten Häftlingsdichte

Von TideSolstice


  1. That is interesting. It fails to address the question of is it societal? Is it too many jailable laws? Or just the quality of people?

  2. russia’s number is decreasing because they send their prisoners into the meatgrinder.

    the US is fucking insane. apartheid jim crow at its finest.

  3. victory-or-death on

    No one loves imprisoning their citizens more than the US. No country on earth has ever succeeded so great at this. What’s even more alarming are the race statistics and the age and gender statistics. That’s where it gets frightening

  4. SrslyNotSerious on

    This chart would be represented better (or worse) if it showed the total crimes committed by each country as well.

  5. A lot of prisons are for-profit businesses in the US, so it makes good financial sense to keep incarcerating people.

    The American Dream.

  6. kittenofd00m on

    Prison is big business. Reformation is not – no recurring revenue.

  7. Plsdontcalmdown on

    Whoops, you forgot China on this mess of a “statistic from the internet”.

    But I’m sure China has nothing to hide.

  8. Pink_Slyvie on

    In the US, Prisoners are used as slave labor. So they want as many enslaved people as possible.

  9. China calls it re-education camps not prisons. I’m sure the millions being re-educated would disagree.

  10. discodiscgod on

    It’s almost like other countries aren’t even trying. USA! USA! USA! /s

  11. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime**

  12. Free prison laborers has always been a thing in the USA, they just used to call them slaves before.

  13. Drugs are a hell of a drug.

    Wonder what the US numbers would look like if use/possession of small amounts was decriminalized. Probably be cut in half or more.

  14. Asian_Juan on

    What is up with Thailand? It’s off the charts compared to other ASEAN nations

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