Mitarbeiter der Regierung von Tokio erhalten ab April 2025 die Möglichkeit einer 4-Tage-Woche


  1. This is good news – let’s celebrate it before we start criticizing it 🙂

  2. Ok_Strawberry_888 on

    It should be mandatory because we all know it wont be an option especially if old Japanese people are still going to have a say about it

  3. I think the title is misleading as a bit? What the article says is that they will be able to take a day off every week, whereas before they were able to take a day off once a month basically.
    Doesn’t sound like they will get their workdays just reduced. It’s more about freedom to use their days off in a more flexible way. Which honestly should be celebrated.

  4. ZenibakoMooloo on

    What about the swathes of people on ¥1000 an hour with no hoken or nenkin. Government employees should have to work six days a week considering the money they get.

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