Millennials halfen 2015 bei der Wahl von Trudeau. Fast ein Jahrzehnt später wenden sie sich an die Konservativen


  1. thrownaway44000 on

    Good for them. They see the light and the broken promises and horrific big government policies. It’s obvious why they are voting for smaller and smarter government.

  2. astronautsaurus on

    Houses in the neighborhood I grew up in went from $500k in 2015 to $1.5M by 2022. The last 10 years have been an absolute tragedy.

  3. DamageLate6124 on

    It’s hard for young people to support the Liberals in the current economy, when housing is out of control, it’s hard to see the benefits of expanding social programs and they’re nowhere as important to young people as affordable housing and spending power to do the things they want to do.

  4. TallCod2851 on

    So realistically what are the Conservatives going to bring to the table? the building of more houses? that they voted against last month? Axe the taxs? they voted against the GST holiday?

  5. Annual_Plant5172 on

    I’m a millennial that voted for Trudeau, but while I’m not supporting him next time around, I’m certainly not dumb enough to vote Conservative. These people are acting on emotion instead of using logic.

  6. aardvarkious on

    Older millennial here who voted Liberal in 2015.

    In 2015, I was excited about electoral reform. Sick of Harper’s antics that felt out of touch. And just into a home I owned with no pressing financial concerns and no kids.

    Electoral reform got punted. Things like this GST crap are showing the government to be increasingly out of touch. And I’m becoming VERY stressed out about my kids being able to have a home they can afford and a decent life.

    Both the government and my family’s needs have changed. dramatically. I’m VERY skeptical the Conservatives will do what I need them to do. But I know the Liberals won’t.

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