Trumps Fentanyl-Ultimatum stellt Kanadas „Superlabore“ unter die Lupe


  1. FearlessTomatillo911 on

    >These highly sophisticated facilities are hard to police as they largely source ingredients that are not
    themselves illegal.

    Why don’t they make the precursors highly controlled substances then? I’m sure there are many legitimate uses for them, but if you’re ordering them be prepared to have your labs checked regularly.

  2. EarthOk4984 on

    This us what Canada has become. We have no back bone to police anything. The only time we act is if other countries call us out on it and we look bad.

  3. iarecanadian on

    At some point in time you have to ask, what the fuck are the police doing???? If you look at the municipal budgets for most cities, the police is either at the top or pretty close. So maybe it’s time to stop just busting the users and use that budget to actually fight crime. People here are going to to say “but the government needs to…” blah, blah, blah… FFS… our municipal governments have already said the police can have as much money as they want – it’s time the public get what we are already paying for.

  4. Big-Feeling-1285 on

    Oregon allows fentanyl, they allow all drugs. Fix that before blaming everyone else.

  5. If the war on drugs has taught us anything it’s that focusing solely on supply doesn’t work. Shut down one pipeline and another pops up somewhere else. And unlike cocaine and heroin, fentanyl doesn’t need to be grown .. it’s cooked up relatively easily using precursors that are themselves easy to obtain. Added to that its potency makes it simpler to smuggle. Instead of tonnes of coke you can achieve the same effect from a few vials of fentanyl. It is a nightmare for drug enforcement. Moreover, the majority of fentanyl is smuggled in by US citizens through legal ports of entry. “Securing the border” in Canada will do nothing to change that.

    Deaths from fentanyl overdose have been climbing for a decade. The growth did slow during the Biden administration amid more money spent on treatment .. but the increase persists, particularly as a crackdown on opioids moves addicts to fentanyl. If Mr Trump really wants to address the problem (which he should) then he needs to cooperate with his neighbors, not antagonize them.

  6. IvoryHKStud on

    Why would the cops bust these labs? It’s not exciting for them compared to solving “actual crimes” they see on TV.

    This is why the roads of Toronto have become lawless. The cops refuses to do these “boring” enforcements.

  7. Lopsided-Remote-6962 on

    I guess we have to win the unwinnable drug war now is such a stupid take.

  8. she_be_jammin on

    All this attention on fentanyl – good, get rid of it
    and punish traffickers as the murderers they are.
    But, lest we forget…
    meth too is a primary enemy, creating the mass increase in psychosis and mental health deterioration
    Blame it also on harm reduction. It’s a holocaust policy that creates facilities that have areas dedicated to the residents being able to use meth and fentanyl freely and calling it things like “the Opiaz” (Kelowna) – where they overdose regularly. Decriminalized mandatory treatment is what people need. No one wants to be ‘that guy’. No one wants to be an abused partner to a lab-made pharmaceutical that has completely highjacked their life.

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