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In Brief:
* A majority of Canadians say that employers should not take cultural or ethnic backgrounds into consideration when hiring, according to new polling.
* 57% of Canadians disagree with the notion that equity should be a part of hiring, according to the poll done by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies.
* Equity hiring is less popular in Canada than the United States. While only 28% of Canadians support equity hiring, 36% of Americans support affirmative action.
* The Canadian federal government has specific equity targets in its hiring, a practice that has existed since the 1980s. The percentage of visible minorities hired by the federal government grew fromjust shy of 18% to just shy of 27% between 2016 and 2024.
Equity hiring is literally racist.
Try finding a job and you will find out why Canadians oppose a lot of BS that has been forced on them.
Govt is one of the biggest employers in the country and their DEI policies are toxic.
Just hire the best person for the job, even if *gasp* it’s a white guy.
Nice to see many of these harmful policies being rolled back. The far left woke culture was on a destructive rampage there for a bit lol
My boss was a DEI hire. It bred resentment across the team as there were others already working on the team that easily could have stepped into the leadership position. Within a year, all those experienced people moved on, and the Boss hired “outside the box” DEI’s to replace them.
The department turned into a joke of no one knowing what the fuck anyone was supposed to be doing.
It turned into Seinfeld eppisode where he was the promoted out of the dept bc he couldn’t handle a small team of 6.
It was too bad, it used to be a great job.
Common sense.
Merit should be the only factor.
I.e. the content of their character.
As with all good things, we have taken this too far. I think DEI is a great initiative to try address personal biases in hiring process. We have turned it into something weird, so now no one likes it.
It’s a verbatim racist policy that values race over merit. Can’t imagine why people would oppose it.
It’s funny to see left wing ‘anti-racists’ cheer for racial profiling
DEI is a racist policy mostly promoted by race grifters making big cash off seminars, speaking engagements and corporate training pushed on quiver progressives or those too frightened of cancelation.
Well I guess all you can say is Times they are a changing!!!!!
Equity hiring is one of the contributing factors to drop in job productivity. Some people (not all) take advantage of the optics and don’t feel like they have to work as hard to earn the position they are in.
Best person for the job is how it should be. Race, religion, etc, should play no factor. Work ethic is what should matter.
At what point do we say we’ve mitigated the injustices of the past and can finally start fresh without having to look at skin color (or sex organs) and decide “you’re privileged” or “you’re underprivileged” based off it?
DEI **originally meant** that when you have two people of **equal merit**, choose the one which adds diversity to teams and companies.
What it became was, discriminate right at the beginning of hiring process and shut out a talent pool. This is **not** DEI hiring. This is **reverse racism**.
Very important difference!
The only color that matters is the color of your money. We need programs to help avoid a growing underclass.
As someone else has pointed out, there’s a lot of competition for jobs these days. People don’t like the idea of someone else having an a priori advantage when they apply for a job.
I wonder if another factor is that we’ve been hearing about affirmative action hiring since the 60’s in the US. I had a conversation with a friend a couple of months ago and he basically said that if these programs were effective the problems would have been fixed by now. In other words, he’s getting tired of being told he’s not doing enough despite decades of effort. Just a thought.
“majority of Candians dislike racist policies”
The solution to most problems in Canada right now – Stop pandering to activists…
Hiring based on race or how someone looks is stupid.
Hiring competent workers > DEI hires.
I’m a very white looking man with native heritage. My grandfather was pure Inuit. Otherside was mixed.
I technically can use that as a ‘in’ for diversity hiring or other privileges.
I refuse to do so because I fundamentally disagree with the premise of it. I believe in hiring based solely on merit.
In Brampton Punjabi companies only hire Punjabi people cuz they speak Punjabi lol
If white person did this, news would screaming racism
Well guess what, Canadians? This is 100% legal under [section 15-2](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art15.html#:~:text=That%20is%2C%20section%2015(2,%2C%20supra%20at%20paragraph%2016).) of our dumpster-fire Charter. Trudeau Sr. had every proto-woke idea crammed into it he could and now everything’s coming home to roost.