1. atticusfinch1973 on

    And they told him that when he announced his housing plan. Then he did nothing to help generate more building like maybe cutting back on fees developers pay. Which is why it was all smoke and mirrors.

  2. Automatic-Bake9847 on

    Anyone who had even a tangential understanding of the industry knew these (and other lofty targets by various governments) were a complete fabrication with zero chance of actually meeting those output levels in the timelines given.

    You don’t take an already massive industry, one which requires physical inputs, and nearly instantly double it.

    To double the building industry would take ten to twenty years, possibly longer.

    These targets are blatant lies.

  3. We do not have the trades men and women to achieve this even if we wanted to. The current apprenticeship programs are not working to generate enough skilled trades. It would take a complete redesign of our skilled trades training and certification process to get us anywhere near where we need to be in just he manpower.

    Coupled with this is we are not producing enough building materials at a low enough price to make this possible either since we have shuttered and downsized many of the industries needed to support this level of construction.

  4. manitowoc2250 on

    Notice how Trudeau nor PP never specify which type of housing? If it’s 500sqft condos no one is going to be happy especially young people. 

  5. Double? We need to build 5.8 million homes in the next 7 years to restore affordablilty.

    We need to QUADRUPLE housing starts from 250,000/yr to 830,000/yr to meet the demand.

    Simply put, it’s impossible.

  6. And why relying on the “market” to solve housing (or provide basic needs) is silly.

  7. DeanPoulter241 on

    For the 100th time as a land developer, I am not breaking ground until interest rates stabilize!!!!

    So until we get a new govt that will reign in frivolous deficit spending or the trudeau finally shows some common-sense, we are never going to build as many houses as are needed. Sure there are some builders that are willing to roll the bones, but many of us are not.

    And if this recent joke 2 month GST holiday and $250 cheque which will cost us over $6B in printed money is any indication, the trudeau is more worried about his future than Canada’s. The BoC has already stated that this ridiculous policy will likely delay the next interest rate reduction. Wonder how much THAT will cost Canada and its tax payers!!!!

  8. Feisty_Cress_9754 on

    also. you’d need municipalities to ignore the increased need for better infrastructure.

  9. TheAncientMillenial on

    They’d also need to start building affordable homes…

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