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> “Way to go Joe. Let me be the first one to congratulate the president for deciding to do this,” Crockett said of the controversial pardon, which has been criticized by Republicans and also some Democrats.
> “For anyone that wants to clutch their pearls now because [President Biden] decided that he was going to pardon his son, I would say take a look in the mirror because we also know that when it comes to this Cabinet, this Cabinet has more people accused of sexual assault than any incoming Cabinet probably in the history of America[.]”
Spot-on; considering some of the pardons for horrific crimes trump gave out in his last administration (the former SEAL who posed with a corpse, the mercenaries who shot up Nisour Square, among others) are examples of much worse. I agree with Biden that this should’ve ended with the plea deal, and would have if not for politics.
Honestly this is a prime example of people’s issues with the media…
Trump pardons and crickets, Dems do it and HOLY CRAP all hands on deck. This should be portrayed in context of what it is. Trump has threatened to use the DOJ to prosecute people, there is no expectation that he would leave Hunter alone at this point. Add to that it was a political prosecution in itself put on by the GOP.
Good on him that he pardoned Hunter. Trump has pardoned much much worse.
The problem is, you can show conservative/maga/republican/racists all the shitty Trump pardons of evil people like Stone and Manafort, (and also list with citations all the horrible things trump has done over the last 8 years) but they will put up blinders and not acknowledge anything. The ONLY thing they do is SCREAM LOUDER about what is making them upset that day. Tomorrow it will be something else that triggers their outrage. They have no critical thinking skills, and only see things in a straight line and live moment to moment, never doing research, never looking at details or facts. Just outrage and hate to make themselves feel better for a few moments.
I mean, they now have all houses and the executive office but they STILL seem miserable. They only seem happy when they are angry.
Not one bit concerned about this pardon. Crockett is dead on, the GOP needs to look at all of those who were pardoned by Trump in his first administration. Hunter’s pardon pales by comparison. To see the media pouncing on this just verifies my decision to turn away from all news coverage of America for the next four years.
MAGA is immune to accusations of hypocrisy. They want a dual-class society, where the dominant class always gets away with breaking rules but the subservient class never does.
I really like Crockett a lot, and she is also sharp as a tack.
lol that’s asking a hell of a lot of a republicans brain
Bold move to try and make the party of whataboutism self-reflect on their blatant hypocrisy.
I just love this lady. She isn’t afraid to get out there. Her slapdown of Large Marge remains one of my favorite things to watch on youtube.
I absolutely adore this woman, fearless and intelligent
They looked into the mirror and didn’t see a reflection…
Trump *SOLD* Pardons
republicans are a bunch of hypocritical thugs.
Biden did this for the correct reasons. There was no justice here; if Hunter didn’t have the Biden name, he would have gotten a plea deal like the one the Republicans forced off the table.
If Biden didn’t pardon Hunter, the GOP would’ve just called him a heartless father and posted 50 articles with that headline instead.
Didn’t Trump pardon Kuchner senior, and has just appointed him as an Ambassador?
We can all be absolutely certain that they will never look in the mirror. They do not hold their own to the same standard, they have no issue with Trump’s past controversial pardons, and will have no issues with his future ones either.
I will care about what republicans complain about when they start addressing their own party’s wrong doing. Until then, it’s just double standards, hypocrisy, and just plain shit coming from their mouths.
You tell ’em, Queen.
seems like pardons are only for republican. Guess they are afraid they can be used up and they wont get all of them. just saying
I mean aren’t all pardons bad? They’re only for the rich and elite. Why shouldn’t they have to go through normal appeals processes like everyone else?
They can’t because vampires don’t have reflections
Considering most people never even knew trump pardoned Jared’s dad is yet another indication of the massive double standard in reporting.
It’s as if it is shocking for a dem to do it, so it should be reported on everywhere, but if a republican does it, it’s expected and so not news worthy.
You can feel how you feel about the pardon itself, but I defy any honest person to look at the accompanying statement released by Biden and say the reasoning that is presented is unreasonable or inaccurate.
Call them out, call them all out. I know they won’t ever have any shame, but playing defense is not working. The media never holds them to any kind of standard while parroting all their attacks. So, do the media’s job and call them out!
As long as the Republicans are setting the standard, the death spiral of America will continue. If President Biden doesn’t think his fucking son can get justice in our system, what hope does anyone who pisses off power?
Donald Trump pardoned first degree murder.
This assumes they have reflections because they’re effing ghouls
Any Republican that thinks Trump’s prosecutions were political and should not matter are the ultimate hypocrites to try to say Hunter Biden’s prosecutions were not political.
The GOPs pursuit of Hunter was the real witch hunt. On the tax evasion charge, he paid his back taxes in full with interest and penalties. The lying on the gun app charge non-issue was a joke. With the crazies Trump is nominating for appointment to his cabinet who are foaming at the mouth to go after Hunter — Biden, as a father, had a higher obligation to protect his own flesh and blood. I would have pardoned my son in a minute, and Trump would have undoubtedly pardoned his.
They aren’t capable of self reflection.
There’s no reflection in that mirror.
“She should keep her opinions to herself.”Two seconds later. “I like Trump because he speaks his mind.”
Democrats trying to defend their slime by pointing out the GOP’s sewer. I see connected, wealthy neoliberals committing crimes and getting away with them, regardless of their party.