Israel droht mit „gewaltsamer Reaktion“, nachdem die Hisbollah im Rahmen eines „Waffenstillstandsverstoßes“ auf IDF geschossen hat


  1. bwoodfield on

    I feel like Israel is the drunken a-hole of the middle east, just wants to fight everyone and keeps calling in their buddies.

  2. fullload93 on

    Ah good ol’ terrorists doing terrorists thing. This is why the whole “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” is a thing in some countries. You can never trust they wouldn’t violate some peace agreement because terrorists cannot be reasoned with.

  3. Funny how in the 31,679 times this has happened since Mandatory Palestine, not once has either side shown any real evidence…

    **Edit: What I mean is that there’s usually a lack of evidence proving which side shot first. Alarms, sure. Missile trails, sure. Holes in the ground, sure. People fucking dying, which sucks, but sure. But none of this proves which side broke the ceasefire first.**

    **Which makes it really easy for people to say “Such and such is the morally corrupt side, they must have fired first!”**

  4. AhmadOsebayad on

    this is what I don’t understand about all the ceasefire now protests, it’s obvious that ceasefires don’t do anything because they never last more than a few days.

  5. Westerners, especially the left, simply don’t understand the Middle East, and particularly underemphasize the impact of ideology and belief in the irrational decisions taken by the various actors on the stage. They assume actors like Hezbollah and hamas, or even the radical religious right in Israel, are in some way rational actors. All the protesting, all the advocacy, all of it rests on the assumption of rational actors on a chess board who would benefit from the advocacy. Perhaps it is a product of our naive educational system that teaches convenient ideals rather than realities—raw realities—the realities of power and belief and their ability to decide matters of life and death, trumping justice and any semblance of what “should be.” 

  6. DuneWormies on

    Israel needs to finish the job. There is no negotiating with terrorists. Their entire reason for existence is attacking and threatening Israel. No more Hezbollah, turn them into a bad memory.

  7. The only way to achieve a permanent ceasefire is with the defeat of Hezbollah. Hezbollah is the one who keeps starting wars and breaking ceasefires. They are the aggressors. They are the problem.

  8. AsstacularSpiderman on

    Well that was fast.

    That’s why unconditional surrender is the only option. Arab terrorists don’t care for caesefires.

  9. The literal second line points out these strikes come after Israel struck first. The title is misleading.

  10. This is already old news, the ceasefire agreement was on the 26th. There have been reports that Israel has been firing missiles at hezbollah for a couple days because of a ceasefire violation.

  11. theseustheminotaur on

    This reminds me of that meme where it’s like “who wants a ceasefire?” And they all raise their hands. Then they ask “who wants to cease firing?” And they all lower their hands

  12. Additional-Duty-5399 on

    Happens literally every time. That’s why you don’t negotiate with terrorists – their words aren’t worth the CO2 gas that was expelled from their lungs. There is only one solution with terrorists – total destruction from top to bottom.

  13. wolfofballsstreet on

    Peace treaties and ceasefire agreements with any Islamists group is a futile attempt. Source: read about the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Early Islam was able to progress rapidly by making peace treaties when they are weak and breaking them when they are stronger.

    This was the text of Arafat’s famous Johannesburg speech in May 1994—after he signed the Oslo Accords in September 1993:

    I have to speak frankly, I can’t do it alone without the support of the Islamic nation. I can’t do it alone. No, you have to come and to fight and to start the Jihad to liberate Jerusalem, your first shrine.

    In the agreement I insist with my colleagues, with my brothers, to mention that not exceeding the beginning of the third year, and after — directly after — the signing of their agreement, to start discussing the future of Jerusalem. The future of Jerusalem.

    What they are saying is that [Jerusalem] is their capital. No, it is not their capital. It is our capital. It is the first shrine of the Islam and the Moslems.

    This agreement, I am not considering it more than the agreement which had been signed between our prophet Mohammed and Koraish, and you remember the Caliph Omar had refused this agreement and [considered] it a despicable truce.

    The agreement with Koraish allowed Mohammed to pray in Mecca, which was under Koraish control, for ten years. When Mohammed grew stronger two years later, he abrogated the agreement, slaughtered the tribe of Koraish and conquered Mecca.]

    But Mohammed had accepted it and we are accepting now this peace offer.

    We are in need of you as Moslems, as warriors of Jihad [in Arabic, Mujaheddin].

    TLDR: its basically baked into their religion to make peace when they are weak and flip and break any agreements when the time is right

  14. TheInfiniteArchive on

    And we are waiting for UN to say “Nooo you can’t do that~” to Israel while cuddling Hezbollah in their Bossom.

  15. CommieBorks on

    Just continue the war until they’ve completely lost and ignore all pleads for ceasefire because like we see here they won’t keep their promises. You had your chance and now begins the find out phase.

  16. fuck these pieces of shit. They keep showing they can’t be trusted again and again.

  17. ultimatemuffin on

    Am I crazy, or didn’t I read that Israel launched attacks first after the ceasefire, and these attacks by Hezbollah are retaliatory? What does Israel mean that they’ll “respond with force” after they’ve already launched missile strikes?

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