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What Canadian Trump fans? I don’t think anyone was under the impression that another Trump presidency would be good for Canada, or at least wouldn’t come with major challenges that we wouldn’t face with a continuation of the Biden administration.
You can realize this and still understand why more Americans voted for Trump over Harris.
Also who is this weirdo launching vitriolic attacks at Doug Ford and Pierre Poilievre in… Al Jazeera??
Not once have I heard Ford or Poillievre praise Trump in anyway. This is the dumbest article I’ve read all week.
Any fan of Trump does not have the IQ to get anything at all.
Loads of Trump fans throughout Ontario. It is sometimes hard to finish a pint as a progressive without dealing with drunk Trump wonkos. Talking about Trump is frowned upon by HR because of the ensuing chaos. And they still are supporting him and want PP to impose bigly tarrifs (that will drive up OUR inflation).
The last time he imposed tariffs, we told him to go fuck himself.
The US desperately needs our Oil, fertilizer and lumber.
And, our border is just fine.
Tell him, again, to fuck himself.
Thanks, aljazeera.
Every leader should be interested in their own country first. How is this news?
“Canadian Trump fans”. i don’t need to read more
You literally see Canadian conservatives with Maga hats and flags on Parliament Hill.
r/canada “No one praises him.”
The US has always been US first. The FTA, subsequent NAFTA, and the new CUSMA, are designed to access Canadian oil. In return for that oil, they gave us preferred deals on autos and parts. The new agreement, will want access to critical minerals and water. That’s what the tariffs are about. Smoke and mirrors are drugs and illegal aliens.
ill never understand MAGA folks in Canada…. what’s in it for you? real US MAGA hates you lol
Uhh…. Surprise?
No they didn’t. They didn’t get a fucking thing and they never will
I mean, shouldn’t every goverment put their countries first? I know that this may be a weird thing to say considering how the goverment right now put the canadians last. But this is a normal thing to do unless welp. You want to harm the society that builded the country that everyone is living now.
They don’t get it though.
Insert eyeroll
Increasing border security and cracking down on fentanyl are things the Canadian government should already be doing. In this case, Trudeau should do exactly what Trump wants to avoid the tariffs.
MAGA is not even “America First”
It’s “Rich America and/or my buddies first”
“America First” is a [Ku Klux Klan white supremacist slogan.](https://wcti12.com/news/nation-world/utah-legislator-says-trumps-america-first-slogan-is-code-for-white-supremacists) It wasn’t chosen by chance.
I love the comment section here, makes me think of people wearing sports teams clothing or stickers. You’re not on the team! You don’t even live in Toronto! The players aren’t even from the country! Why are you supporting these teams?!
We really need to stop comparing US to Canada.
Either we are, or we are not like the US. We can’t keep just changing the headlines to suit the times.
America first means, well, “bud, Imma git mine”
I’m one of the 74.5 million Americans who voted for Harris, and I’m sure I speak not just for myself when I say that ‘Canada last’ definitely isn’t how we see the world. As far as I’m concerned, the US and Canada should be like two chambers of the same heart, no tariffs, full on free trade, free movement of goods, people, and ideas. I hope we weather this storm together and get better leaders in the future who make further North American integration a reality.
Canadian Trump fans make no sense to me. How could anyone who cares about the future of Canada’s economy support someone who promises a 25% tariff on Canadian products?
Canadian Trumpsters are some of the dumbest and worst people you will ever meet.
Just the other day I saw a 6ixbuzz post talking about the tariff Trump would put on Canada, of course all the ring wing MAGA idiots had the following to say:
“This is Trudeau’s fault, Trump is rightfully putting America first’
“Trump is finally putting America first, we need a leader just like him who will do the same for us”
“We gotta get Trudeau out of here, Trump is only doing this because of all the illegals who cross into the border”.
Question is why doesn’t the govt get it? Why don’t they expand the market, diversify, have a good line of communication to do temp checks and avoid this shitstorm? Why didn’t the govt wake up when the stats about more terrorist crossings from Canadian side came up from US a while back? What were they waiting for? So ya, Canada Last is coz of their own govt.
so stupid.. it’s china last.