Cola Zero+dieses Ding (ca. 5 Teile zu 1) ist mein neues Lieblings-Erfrischungsgetränk und ich mag nicht einmal Gløgg. Es erinnert mich an mittelosteuropäische Cola-Alternativen wie Kofola und Cockta

    Von Onam3000


    1. I, uh … what?

      No, like, uh, you’re mixing Gløgg with Coke Zero?

      To each his own and fair play for trying something new and all that, but still, like … what?

    2. Sweet_Confidence6550 on

      I can see why it would work. The flavour profile is sort of the same.

    3. MilkyMcMilkers on

      It makes sense though, both drinks touch on a similar flavour profile

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