Einige liberale Abgeordnete waren verärgert darüber, dass Trudeau weder die Fraktion noch das Kabinett konsultiert hatte, bevor er einen zweimonatigen GST-Urlaub und 250-Dollar-Schecks ankündigte



  1. Oh the desperation. Not consulting your party before making a promise sounds totally like a well thought out plan and not at all lile trying to buy popularity.

  2. Sensitive_Tadpole210 on

    I can literally imagine the pmo office

    With a whiteboard with 

    “Ideas how to get popular”

    And then they throw the ideas in a hat and go with it and hope for the best.

    Cause these ideas seem really half baked.

  3. Jaded_Promotion8806 on

    This isn’t really a new thing, the PMO is totally closed off from cabinet, let alone caucus. Marc Garneau [had a few soundbytes](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/former-trudeau-cabinet-minister-criticizes-pmo-over-access-to-prime-minister-1.7337629) on it a few weeks ago that were interesting.

    It harkens back to Trudeau Sr using his Privy Council clerk Michael Pitfield as an airgap to limit cabinet access to the PM. Michael Wernick was outed as playing this sort of role during the JWR scandal. Fun fact that Michael Pitfield’s son Tom is Justin’s best buddy since childhood and creeps up in the news from time to time, never for anything entirely unsuspicious. Tom Pitfield co-founded a “think tank”, Canada 2020, that McLean’s [seemed to be on to for a little while](https://macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/inside-the-progressive-think-tank-that-really-runs-canada/). Michael Wernick also happens to be on the [advisory board](https://canada2020.ca/canada-2020-announces-new-advisory-board/) of Canada 2020, probably a coincidence lol.

  4. PaloAltoPremium on

    How are they even surprised at this point? Its been 9 years of centralizing everything in the PMO.

    Even Ministers barely have any access to the PM, and largely are just there to read off PMO approved soundbites.

  5. BigDiplomacy on

    It’s funny to see Liberal MPs – nine years into the Trudeau regime and with a track record of ruthlessly punishing even the slightest dissent – think that the Dear Leader would ever consult them.

    > who spoke on a not-for-attribution

    But at least they’ve learned to ensure their names are not attached to criticism of Trudeau, lest they get Caesar-Chavez’d or JWR’d.

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