Den Republikanern ist es egal, ob Frauen an Abtreibungsverboten sterben – aber sie wollen nicht, dass Sie davon erfahren–but-they-dont-want-you-to-know-about-it/


  1. I never got the impression that their animosity towards women was even remotely secret.

  2. longtermattention on

    ProPublica is the best. They are going to get hit hard under Trump for this kinda investigation so anyone that cares about important investigative journalism should kept them in mind for donations if you can spare it.

  3. Clownsinmypantz on

    Why? apparently people will vote for them anyways, you think they give a fuck about some dead women?

  4. I disagree with the premise. Texas and Idaho have been pretty open about it.

  5. If current rhetoric were to lead to its end conclusion, women eventually wont be able to vote. So, yeah. Not only do they not care about women, they have pretty open animosity toward women. Dark days.

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