Depressionsraten nach Ländern 2024.

Von Mundane-Hat-565


  1. UnsuccumbedDesire on

    *“The mind is the friend of him by whom the mind has been conquered. But for him whose mind is not conquered, the mind, like an enemy, remains hostile.”*

    — Śrīmadbhagavadgītā, Chapter 6, Śloka 6

  2. gujjar_kiamotors on

    In India that is the amount of people who know that depression is a disease.

  3. catty-coati42 on

    This is just a map of which countries have the resources, onfrastructure and methodology to diagnose and treat depression on a national scale.

    Reminds me of the map of suicide rates which suffers from the same problem.

  4. #delete that pls

    It’s an important topic, but the figures are not even close to have any meaning. As already said, methodology, culture, infrastructure make it impossible to track depression on a global scale.

  5. Chemical_Magician879 on

    Indirectly indicates how well is the public health infrastructure. Only countries with robust healthcare system in place are going to screen their population for mental health diseases.

  6. Deep-Ebb-4139 on

    Terribly inaccurate. Depression is hugely prevalent in lots of Asian countries, it’s just not recognised culturally, or even allowed to be talked about. It’s very much a “bury heads in sand” situation, sadly.

  7. It is always interesting that sometimes it doesn’t matter if you are from a developed or undeveloped country. Good or bad economy etc. Depression or happiness doesn’t come that way.

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