Zwei russische Soldaten, die Panzerabwehrminen legen, werden von ukrainischem Gewehrfeuer und einer FPV-Drohne überfallen und getötet


  1. -Apex__Predator- on

    They pulled up right into a kill zone.

    They were dead as soon as they set off to come to this spot.

  2. How tf is that a “mission” of the “great Russian army” again? My God their incessant grasp on delusion is a wonder to behold.

    Edit: A terribly tragic, sad and unnecessary “wonder” to be clear. A perspective that I’m allowed and cherish and wish for others. Especially Ukrainians at this time. Go home orcs…

  3. Intelligent_Water_79 on

    Blowing up the bikes was so unnecessary, not quite as bad a blowing up dogs, but a close second

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