Georgia: Die Massenproteste nehmen in der vierten Nacht zu. Zehntausende Georgier üben weiterhin Druck auf die Regierung im Hinblick auf den EU-Beitritt aus, während Oppositionelle Betrug beschimpfen


  1. StatisticianFair930 on

    We’re on the cusp of facing the reality of a world war as it is… Can the A.I please stop playing on Veteran for a little bit whilst we all scumload?

  2. BigRedBear80 on

    Russia to send in troops on a 3 day special military operation to ensure smooth transition of power to the ‘democratically’ elected government.

  3. EphemeralOrchid on

    Curious what it is about Georgia that allows them to see past the Russian propaganda in their feeds and have this conviction in their beliefs. I’m happy for them for that. Best of luck in warding off Russian BS!!!!

  4. polkadotpolskadot on

    I never really thought of Georgia as a European country. I didn’t even know they were waiting on ascension

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