Habe das gerade in einer serbischen extremistischen Telegram-Gruppe gesehen? Zeichen für einen nächsten Terroranschlag?


Von 72jJajajaj


  1. Visual-Rutabaga3893 on

    tell that officials or link them the chanem if you hacent already

  2. IllyrianCyber on

    Kosovo Police right away! Everything that can catch the terrorists before they act!

  3. Selim_Mangupi on

    Ma jep mus ne privat linkun e grupit. E di serbishten rrjedhshem dhe çdo i dyti shqiptar ketu me cileson tradhtar keshtuqe mund ta infiltroj kollaj.

    Te pershendes,

    Tollosumi (Vladan Tomašević iz Leposavića)

  4. BraveFunction2 on

    This Telegram group has 20k followers and is widely public.
    I am pretty sure our intelligence agency and the police are informed about it.

  5. Kontaktova ca shok t Prishtines, ishalla munden me marr policin se un sjam nga kosova e skam familje atje

  6. Judithsins on

    a e ka numrin policia 192 nprishtine, a po?

    edit: i thirra ne telefon, e raportova. Gjithashtu me than me dergu ne email infot te cilat i kom. Kisha propozu qe ata qe nuk mujin me thirre tpakten me dergu nje email tu e shpreh shqetesimin e tyre. emaili: info@kosovopolice.com

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