Vietnam genehmigt 67-Milliarden-Dollar-Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnprojekt zwischen Hanoi und Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt


  1. LifeIsRadInCBad on

    Looking forward to Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City having high speed rail before SF <–> LA. They’re going to beat us again!

  2. GreatnessToTheMoon on

    I hate the red tape, eminent domain and lobbying that prevents the US from having high speed rail

  3. machopsychologist on

    Don’t hold your breath… Saigon / HCMC metro was to be completed like…8 years ago. 🤣

  4. ThaddCorbett on

    This is awesome. It’ll be great for their tourism industry, and if they can make it affordable, it’ll reduce the traffic on roads between the two cities.

  5. I wonder who they will get to build it considering China’s belt and road initiative and Vietnam’s rough history with china. Maybe Japan will get another shinkansen sale on top of Taiwan or Korea’s Tgv derivative.

  6. strangelove4564 on

    $67 billion, holy crap, that’s 10% of their GDP. That would be like a $3 trillion project in the US.

  7. Popular_Ad119 on

    Bet theirs is done before California’s high speed rail which was begun 15 years ago and not a mile of track has even been laid to this day. Total ineptitude.

  8. It will be interesting whether Vietnam can leverage this project for the technology transfer that would enable it in turn to offer its services building other nations’ high-speed railways.

    That is the part that China’s massive market enables — forced technology transfer so that China can within a few years have its own world-class competitors.

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