Wenn Sie die MarketCap-Rankings überprüfen möchten, starten viele Krypto-Forscher wahrscheinlich instinktiv CoinMarketCap und beginnen dort mit der Recherche. Obwohl es ein gutes Werkzeug für die Oberflächenebene sein kann. Coinmarketcap ist aus mehreren Gründen problematisch:

  • Es gehört Binance, das auf eine lange Geschichte böswilligen Verhaltens zur Förderung des persönlichen Wachstums zurückblicken kann.
  • Die Informationen zu tokenspezifischen Informationen wie dem Umlaufangebot sind oft veraltet oder völlig falsch.
  • Bedenken hinsichtlich des Pay-to-Play für Exchange-Rankings und Token-Informationen von CMC.

Über den offensichtlichen Interessenkonflikt hinaus, dass CMC eine potenzielle Voreingenommenheit in der Rangliste von Binance/BNB gegenüber Konkurrenten hat.

Das größte und problematischste Problem besteht darin, dass die Münz-/Token-Informationen fast immer ungenau sind. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie geben Ihr Bestes für die Due-Diligence-Prüfung eines Projekts, aber die Informationen, die Ihnen CoinMarketCap liefert, sind entweder veraltet oder völlig ungenau. Das kommt häufig vor und fast jedes Crypto-Projekt wird sich darüber beschweren, dass CMC ungenaue Lieferinformationen im Umlauf hat


Ungenaue Informationen zur Mondzirkulationsversorgung auf CMC

Obwohl CoinGecko Ich habe einen Fehler bei den Monden gemacht, indem ich den Arb One Moon-Vorrat als neuen Vorrat gezählt habe. Ich habe noch nie ein Beispiel dafür gesehen, dass CMC über zuverlässigere Informationen verfügt als CoinGecko für Informationen zu Münzen/Token.

CoinGecko-Informationen mit einem kleinen Fehler


Hölle CoinGecko war sogar eine der ersten Parteien überhaupt, die unser Banner gemietet hat, um für Gecko Terminal (ein DEX-Screener) zu werben, und Bobby Ong, Mitbegründer von CoinGecko, ist auch Redditor und interagiert gelegentlich mit unserem Subreddit.


You should really be using CoinGecko over CoinMarketCap
byu/GabeSter inCryptoCurrency


  1. DaRunningdead on

    Been using Coingecko since 4ever. 🦎

    Bcuz sumtimes it feels like CMC is rigged by Binance xD

  2. BlackWarrior322 on

    I created my portfolio with all the numerous altcoins I own on exchanges and wallets on CoinGecko long back – so I’m kinda stuck with it 😂 (in a good way)

  3. Hey u/bobbyong while I have your attention the Circulating Supply information for Moons is wrong.

    You take (Arb One supply + Arb Nova supply) – Burn wallet on Nova.

    All Moons on Arb One never technically left Nova they’re held in a contract on Nova and it’s currently the #2 wallet for Moons on Nova (this one – 0xA430a792c14d3E49d9D00FD7B4BA343F516fbB81)

    So the above formula double counts One Moons by mistakenly treating them as new Moons and not a backed and bridged asset from Nova.

    The correct formula would be

    Arb Nova supply – (One Burn Wallet + Nova Burn Wallet) = 79,457,425.xx Moons in circulation.

  4. MichaelAischmann on

    Like in journalism: Always get at least 2 independent sources before you act on any information.

  5. Amazonreviewscool67 on

    No one here is using coinmarketcap.

    I’ve found CG to be way more accurate on market caps and their API free tier is fucking awesome.

  6. I am planning on moving to Coingecko next cycle after I sell so I can easier migrate my new buys and have a “fresh” start.

    CMC is so buggy compared with Coingecko.

  7. Should, but it will be too much to export all my data from CMC to Coingecko.

    I am too lazy for that.

  8. Kindly-Wolf6919 on

    Personally I use both but I do find CG to be more accurate in some cases. It all boils down to preference though and Binance consistently promotes CMC so most people automatically gravitate towards them because of that as well.

  9. Yegpetphoto on

    CG candies are delicious too. I mean, so far they are useless but I’ve been collecting them religiously for over 2 years.

  10. WineMakerBg on

    Telling people what do they need to do often results in them doing the opposite. Go figure.

  11. coingecko always fails when there’s a huge price movement presumably bc all the petitions at the same time.

    Also their updates/widget/tickers are way so slow to update.

    I have been using it for the last 4 years, and it’s not the panacea

  12. letsridetheworld on

    I’m surprised they haven’t moved their candy to onchain

  13. Worth_Tip_7894 on

    1. No person or platform that is centralised is impartial.

    2. Anything captured in point 1 should not be trusted.

    3. Fait and fiat based market caps aren’t really important to cryptocurrency anyway.

  14. addictedtohardcocks on

    I disagree. I like CMC because my coin is lower in rank there so it makes me feel better

  15. Practical-Metal-3239 on

    I made the switch a year ago and wish I had done it sooner.

  16. Fantastic-Ad548 on

    I am invested in the cosmos ecosystem and most data (Market cap, Ranking, supply etc ) about Cosmos chains are wrong on CoinMarketCap. CoinGecko is the most accurate.

    The moment one of these coins gets listed on Binance, all the data turns accurate tho lol

  17. KrisyKrossy on

    Anything binance touches turn into shit, BNB is a garbage coin, binance is a shady exchange, why would you trust an exchange with a crook for a CEO? He’s in prison

  18. >It’s information for token specific information such as circulating supply is often out of date or completely wrong.

    this is the biggest issue, it has been reporting XRP’s circulating supply incorrectly the entire time. its absurd honestly.

  19. Yeah, they manipulated $DOG community’s sentiment heavily when it futures was listed on kraken. From 98% positive to 38% in an hour plus it mkap position went down (wtf). They manipulate everything on their trash app. Then I swapped to gecko and saw how things are (hopefully) not manipulated.

  20. DailyUpsAndDowns on

    The further you look down the MC ranking the more of a difference there is for total number of coins/tokens. MC ranking aren’t accurate. There are other subtle differences such as the compare feature that CMC has. The top gainers list on Coingecko isn’t full of memes that rank 4000 like CMC has.

  21. diskowmoskow on

    I’m using Coingecko only but many i formation regarding tokens based on protocol’s submission.

  22. Zealousideal_Age_22 on

    Yes, I just used CoinGecko to check what Bitcoin’s (BTC) sister Litecoin (LTC) is doing today 😎

  23. It’s just that CoinGecko doesn’t provide information about the coins that CoinMarketCap does. On CoinMarketCap we can see the history of a coin, what it is for, etc. On CoinGecko, however, the same section is just a bunch of boring auto-generated information.

  24. yoranpower on

    Can I put over my coinmarkercap history? Because if not I gotta start anew on all trades and prefer to do that after the run.

  25. richard_ISC on

    Second this.

    Coingecko is AMAZING.

    Coinmarket cap is trash.

    Its rare that we get such a contrast.

  26. brokenkarmabank on

    I use TradingView for data points on charts and CoinGecko for everything else.

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