Russen geraten in „Panik“, als ukrainische Streitkräfte 40 Marschflugkörper, ballistische Raketen und Drohnen auf Ziele auf der Krim schleudern


  1. Enough-Parking164 on

    Russia is a failing state, robbing its neighbor out of desperation.

  2. BlueInfinity2021 on

    >In a powerful coordinated strike on Friday, the Ukrainian military bombarded Russian bases in occupied Crimea with no fewer than 40 deep-strike munitions. “Russian channels are in panic as debris is hitting targets,” the Estonian analyst WarTranslated reported.

    Strange how they claim to have intercepted the missiles but somehow the debris still manages to hit their targets.

  3. piskle_kvicaly on

    I don’t care about their “panicking”.

    I want them to return inside their state’s border and stay there.

  4. Putin will go down as a loser who devastated his country economically and cost the lives of hundreds of thousands in the process. All for nothing.   

  5. DirkTheSandman on

    If you’re panicking russians, YOU have the power to stop this. Protest, resist conscription, if you’re feeling particularly daring, sabotage some infrastructure

  6. human-redditbot on

    I hope Trump turns out to be pro-Ukraine. Hopefully, all his prior anti-Ukraine comments, are just bluster to play “hard ball”, as it were…

    It would be a disaster to let Putler win… 🇺🇸 🙏🏆🇺🇦

  7. Spoons4Forks on

    Legit question: Why are they focusing on Crimea? Isn’t Donbas or Kursk more important?

  8. User_name_is_great on

    I thought that they should fire at the Kremlin but then I realized that they have buildings with historical significance and it would be a shame to destroy them. Then I realized that no good thing ever came out of those buildings. Screw it. They should flatten that place.

  9. . “Russian channels are in panic as debris is hitting targets,” the Estonian analyst WarTranslated reported.

  10. One_Satisfaction_640 on

    Once again this is Putin……. ED or extremely small genitalia…….. he is embarrassed and frustrated 😩

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