Putin genehmigt neuen Haushalt mit Rekordausgaben für Verteidigung: Rund 32,5 % des Haushalts 2025 – oder 13,5 Billionen Rubel (119 Milliarden Euro) – sind für die Landesverteidigung vorgesehen



  1. Huh. Why in the world would they need so much defense? Have they been behaving badly or something?

  2. HalJordan2424 on

    The entire world needs to start differentiating between spending for “Defence” vs “Military”.

  3. Signal_Labrador on

    Spending a third of your budget to bankrupt the entire country.

    Has Russia been taking financial advice from my ex girlfriend?

  4. wrosecrans on

    As a rough point of reference, the EU’s GDP is around 20 Trillion Euros, about 10X that of Russia, so they could very sustainably dedicate 200B/year to fighting Russia with just 1% of GDP.

  5. Fair-Interest7143 on

    Let him bankrupt his country and see how long he remains in power

  6. Infinite_Room2570 on

    So that’s massive cuts in public services. At what point will Russians finally wake up and start challenging their mad tzar?

  7. SlapAShotta on

    Sorry Yvgeny. You no eat today. Daddy needs to be turn to pink mist and maybe you eat den.

  8. Bango-Fett on

    Wasn’t something like this not one of the causes that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

  9. drewbles82 on

    didn’t I read like the other day their on the verge of collapse, they can barely afford their military as it is, everything else is suffering big time cuz most of the money remaining is for the war

  10. Aimatiriko on

    Wow, that’s literally soviet era type of spending. Things are astronomically bad.

  11. Like Prussia before it, Russia is a military with a country, not a country with a military.

  12. Glittering-Ad3488 on

    $100 billion of that budget, gets spent on bribes and corruption

  13. beartopfuentesbottom on

    Yea well those rubles are going to cause a lot of rubble in moscow.

  14. …which goes into the pockets of the oligarchs and they continue using antiquated shit. Same ol story

  15. With the declining value of the ruble, does this increase even offset that year over year?

  16. Intelligent_Tone_618 on

    I’m curious to see what other services were cut to make this increase. It has huge implications on internal stability.

  17. Crazymofuga on

    US defense budget is equal to the next 9 highest spent by country, combined. I’m surprised Russia is only spending ~$130B. They’ll need a lot more if Putin wants to follow up on his threats on the US. Such a teeny tiny budget he has. Very small.

  18. Defense? You keep using that word. I do not think you know what that means.

  19. kendromedia on

    He’s telling everyone that it will take 32 percent of all their money just to reach 14% of what America budgeted for defense in just 2024.
    The numbers are mind boggling and grotesquely comical.
    If there were just some way he could make it all stop. Some way to cut through the red tape and allow his party to save face.

  20. Huh if the US did a 32% defense budget that would be almost 2.2  trillion dollars and would cause every defense contractor investor to die from prolonged arousal 

  21. “Approves”. As if there was due democratic processes at work. He decreed it.

    Western media should really stop painting Russia as if it was a Democracy. It is really important to stop reproducing this false narrative that has been designed by Putin in order to legitimate his dictatorship.

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