2 Kanadier wegen Drogenhandels verhaftet; Kokain im Wert von 40 Millionen US-Dollar aus Lastwagen in Illinois beschlagnahmt



  1. Sudden_Albatross_816 on

    >**CHICAGO (CBS) –** Two people from Canada have been arrested on drug charges, after Illinois State Police seized more than $40 million worth of cocaine from a semi-trailer truck near the Iowa state line on Friday.

    >Police said, around 2:10 p.m., a trooper conducted a vehicle inspection on a Volvo semi-trailer on Interstate 80 in Henry County.

    >During the inspection, the trooper noticed “numerous indicators of criminal activity,” and a search of the truck revealed 1,146 pounds of cocaine, with an approximate street value of more than $40 million, police said.

    >**Police arrested 27-year-old Vanshpreet Singh and 36-year-old Manpreet Singh, both of Ontario, Canada.** The pair have been charged with felony counts of possession of cocaine, possession with intent to deliver cocaine, and cocaine trafficking. 

    >”ISP’s coordinated focus on trafficking is helping keep dangerous drugs out of our communities,” Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly said in a statement.

    >Vanshpreet Singh and Manpreet Signh were being held at the Henry County Jail to await their first court appearance.

  2. PragmaticAlbertan on

    Glad they were arrested in the USA. They’d be given a ham sandwich and an apology in Canada.

  3. Crazy-Refrigerator19 on

    Name matches up with a bust at Bluewater bridge just about a year ago. Drugs going into Canada.

  4. kausthab87 on

    Sick and tired of these similar names popping up in any crime news

  5. Third_Time_Around on

    *Singh* me a song about good ole wholesome Canadian boys, exhibiting Canadian values.

  6. rusinga_island on

    Vanshpreet and Manpreet are the Inch-Me and Pinch-Me of Brampton

  7. Adventurous-Case-569 on

    Is it racist for me to say I’m sick of being able to guess the last names or are our eyes clear at this point?

  8. NoheartNobody on

    They will prolly end up dead. Losing that much drugs and money. I can’t imagine that their master will be too pleased.

  9. boilingpierogi on

    I pray for those who were depending on those drugs as a part of their of their safely supplied narcotics regime who may now be suffering from the horrors of withdrawal due to this draconian approach to free and safe supply.

  10. IntelligentPoet7654 on

    There is lots of organized crime in Canada and the government isn’t doing anything about it. Trump will put 25% on imports to USA from Canada soon. I think he knows that Canada is home to corruption and crime.

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