8 serbische Terroristen wurden verhaftet, nachdem sie letzte Nacht die Wasser- und Energieversorgung von Kosova zerstört hatten. Ihr Plan war, als nächstes einen Krieg zu beginnen, sie wurden von der serbischen Regierung schwer bewaffnet.


Von enverishqipe


  1. FenrirMyth on

    Qija robt qysh mujn krejt kto armatime me mbrri ne kosove, edhe naj dit kta shkavellat edhe civila kan me vra

  2. Used-Orchid561 on

    Keep strong people, from a Serb! This war-behavior needs to stop, I hope they get punished.

  3. Ukshin_Bana on

    Rrespekt. Shpresojme se inteligjenca nxjerr ma shume informacione. Kta jan veq dora – vyn me zbulu krahun e koken e ktyne grupeve.

    Druhem se kto grupe po operojne pertej kontrollit te Vucicit – edhe pse prej ktyne qetnikve ksi sene priten me ndodhe. Por ne te njejten kohe, Rusia ka lansu plot aksione sabotazhi neper Europe ditet e fundit. Rreziku ma i madh eshte se potenciali per eskalim kete here eshte jasht kontrollit te Serbise, e n’dore te Putinit qe don me na shti flaken me zor.

  4. Sad-Trouble3636 on

    Luft hibride. Metoda ruse. Metoda frikacakesh. Per fat te keq vec sa do shtohen.

  5. Mysterious_Contact_2 on

    Source? Looks like random weapon selection, doesnt make sense to me

  6. Witty-Tangerine-9288 on

    Robt e shkive jav qifsha, kurr Kosoven as Mitrovicen skeni me marr!

  7. Prestigious_Bus_1900 on

    Po sigurimi i shtetit a mund ta dijme ca asht tu ba? Qysh me ndodhin e Banjskes,shteti duhet me pase forcat speciale dhe para ushtarake gati-tu!!!!

  8. Lately Kosovo is showing that nobody can just do what they want here and i love it. We need some stuff like this to tell ppl to not fuck with us. Bad thing of course, but in long term it is benefiting us a lot. Every western news was blaming serbians, and really hard at that. This is a desperate way of them to get what they want, and they are losing it every single time.
    People need to understand peace, for their country and their kids. Bullying doesnt work anymore in 21st century. Now its all about info and intelligence. Old ways dont work and for a good reason.

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