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We are creating generations of dumb shits that is for sure.
Make type writers great again
Aside from weighting exams more heavily, it’s difficult to see how you can get around this. All it takes is some clear instructions and editing out obvious GPTisms, and most people won’t have a clue unless there are factual errors (though such assignments would require citations anyway)
Hand writing should be return, if someone one wants to use AI atleast make them work a little bit?
If you are telling me that current generative writing is “Indistinguishable” from collegiate papers that tells me several things:
1. Papers are bs and not a good way of gathering if a student knows what they are talking about.
2. High School has failed these students long before they even set foot in a college, because chatgpt is no where near coherent, even when used in short paragraphs.
they should run the papers through ai to see
While I didn’t use it for my Masters I think using it effectively enough to get past a professor can in a way be learning a useful skill. Lessons will just need to adapt with the technology in mind.
It’s in my opinion that it is a fools errand to fight it. Invest that energy into adapting. The person who can utilize AI to create an excellently written essay to explain their topic vs someone who writes it all by themselves both accomplish the same thing in the real world.
Have students present their essay or include a voice summary of the essay would be a start.
Oh trust me, they are detected. But we cant definitively prove its AI which is the problem.
I’ve Graded many papers where its painfully obvious its partly or wholely AI written. The voice changes, gpt has phrases it loves to use, it starts random tangents.
Hilariously enough we will probably see a rise in hand written exams as a result.
There’s only two ways to fix this, at least as I see things.
The preferred thing would be to convince students (somehow) that using AI isn’t in their best interest and they should do the work themselves because it’s better for them in the long run. The problem is that this just seems extremely unlikely to happen.
The second option is to move all writing to an in-class structure. I don’t think it should take up regular class time so I’d envision a writing “lab” component where students would, once a week, have to report to a classroom space and devote their time to writing. Ideally this would be done by hand, and all reference materials would have to be hard copies. But no access to computers would be allowed.
The alternative is to just give up on getting real writing.
Think of how much worse these MBA factory dorks are gonna wreck society.
Hastening the advent of Idiocracy.