Cate Blanchett befürchtet, dass KI für die Unterhaltungsindustrie „unglaublich zerstörerisch“ sein wird: „Zutiefst besorgt“


  1. uhohnotafarteither on

    Its going to be incredibly destructive to much more important industries than entertainment

  2. Well we can all hope that it brings down the entire giant shitpile, but i’m not overly optimistic.

  3. We all in the same boat.

    AI is coming for a lot of people in a lot of industries.

  4. “Incredibly destructive to the industry” **as it currently exists**.

    People said the same thing about movies when they got sound and again when they went color. People made similar arguments when CGI took over practical effects and so on and so on. The thing is there will be change and there always will be change as time and technology continue marching on. whining and complaining ultimately just slows down the process, it will never stop it.

  5. soupherman on

    If audiences find the content of AI to be vapid, then it will show in the box office and streaming numbers, which means less investment in a strategy that has less returns. What exactly is preventing A-list celebrities from producing and distributing their own, non-AI works whilst they are at the height of their popularity and earning power? Maybe they should invest in making mid-budget movies themselves?

  6. Sprinkle_Puff on

    You mean, the entertainment industry can get worse? I thought the content being produced today was pretty bottom of the barrel already.

  7. StandardReceiver on

    I literally just finished watching the BBC news segment they have with her and she very clearly started her larger concerns are not just for the entertainment industry, but everyone as a whole. She even explicitly states “I don’t have any concerned about me finding roles” and goes on about how this is a problem that’s going to affect us all. Never heard of her before seeing her pop up on the BBC website (just started watching it this week) but she seemed to have a refreshingly measured take on it for someone in the entertainment industry.

  8. Jeanlucpuffhard on

    No AI can compare to this women. Her performance as Hella was unreal. After all she has done. To do that. Wow!!

  9. GreedyWarlord on

    I would feel bad if I didn’t actually have to work for a living.

  10. AssistanceLeather513 on

    The technology is not there yet. Let’s see AI companies bridge the gap. I am still skeptical they won’t see diminished returns.

  11. warpentake_chiasmus on

    Live music, live performance, live sport, good conversation over good music with good food and drink, a good walk on the beach or the woods on a Sunday alone or with friends, a good book in the evening by the fireside.

    Beat that, AI.

    You simply cannot and never will.

  12. initiali5ed on

    Anything democratising force is viewed with suspicion by incumbents.

  13. It’ll be incredibly destructive to people like her, the entertainment industry will be fine. I struggle to feel sorry for people who make more in a summer than most people make in a lifetime.

  14. SomeoneBritish on

    Thank god we’ve got Cate Blanchett’s opinion on this topic.

  15. creativities69 on

    Just get on with it , Napster didn’t kill the music industry

  16. Prior_Ad_3242 on

    Customers will decide in the end.

    Most shit big studios are making are bad even without AI and indies should be easier with better tools, AI or not.

    So I’d say the entertained public should be fine

  17. Every generation from here on out is going to ‘grow up’ with AI generated content thinking it’s ‘normal’…to the point they may even prefer it. It’s animation evolved in a sense. It will destroy and it will create, it’s the story of technology the only question is how we as a species will adapt to it.

  18. Who gives a shit what cafe blanchett says? What kind of news is this?

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