Heute Morgen habe ich diesen Zettel vor meiner Wohnungstür gefunden und habe in den letzten zwei Tagen nie das Klingeln an der Tür gehört, obwohl ich die ganze Zeit zu Hause war. Ich habe in den letzten Monaten auch keine offiziellen E-Mails, Briefe oder Anrufe von Techem erhalten.
Und wenn es sich um einen Betrug handelt, sollte ich ihn dem Vermieter und der Polizei melden?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Von Serious-Date8503
The time sounds weird. I would expect them to put their official hotline on such notifications, which is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 o’clock:
Call them and ask them to verify this. If they can’t, go to your local police station with the notification. Should you be aware of any elderly people living in your building, I suggest you inform them as well.
I would suggest that you ask one of your neighbors if the meter reading service has been there in the last few days. Basically, Techem may want to read your hot water level, etc. They are a legit company. But the message seems a bit suspicious because of spelling mistakes and the availability times. That’s why I would first ask your neighbors or your landlord if they are aware of the reading service
There are spelling mistakes, the reaching times are strange, does not look serious. Maybe ask the landlord who else got it or at the police office what to do.
Mabe they wanr your “Zählernummer” to make co tracts for you behind your back?
I have Techem too. If I missed an appointment, they would put a note saying they will come back in one week’s time with exact date and time given.
Usually Techem does not do the Ablesung themselves outside of big cities, they hire Freelancers. So this might 100% be real.
You have a central heating right and you have this kind of instrument mounted at your radiators: https://www.techem.com/de/de/geraete/heizkostenverteiler? Then I reckon your landlord hired an external service to calculate the heating costs for the appartments. They need to read those instruments once a year.
This is a scam, yes. This is a classic way of getting into your apartment. Call the landlord, consider going to the police, too.
„Anzeige gegen Unbekannt“
1) there are typos
2) there are grammar mistakes
3) random office hours that do not align with normal office hours
4) this is literally a sticker, not even a flyer
5) they try to create pressure by saying „call within 2 days“. That’s BS.
Scam. Serious scam.
This is scam